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New Metadata added to the National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS)

On May 30, 2008, OARM-Cincinnati/IRMD added additional information or key fields about the documents that are available on-line in NEPIS. This information is referred to as metadata. The information contained in the EPA's Online Library Service (OLS) was used to increase the metadata fields. The following metadata fields have been added to NEPIS: author, publisher, subject, and abstract. NEPIS originally contained the metadata: publication number, year, title, and number of pages. To view this information, you must click on a document link and retrieve a document. To reveal the metadata, click on the icon that looks like two stacked arrows, stacked arrows icon, located at the far right hand side of the icon bar, which is right above the document.

The Field Search Page has also been updated with the new metadata. To search by fields, go to the NEPIS home page, look under the heading Tools, and the Field Search link is the second one listed.

All of the documents on NEPIS were not updated with additional metadata fields. Some documents were not available in OLS, or the download of the information did not generate a match in NEPIS. OARM-Cincinnati/IRMD will work to continue to improve the metadata of all documents available on NEPIS.

To inform our users about the additional metadata, a link was added to the "Highlights Box" located on the right hand side of the NSCEP home page (http://www.epa.gov/nscep/). The link is called Additional Metadata. If you have additional suggestions or comments, please use the comments form (http://www.epa.gov/nscep/comments.html), or send an email to nscep_nepis.tech@epa.gov.

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