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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Home | Acronyms | Contents | Methods | Maps | Core Data Table | Vibracore Description Sheets | Interpreted Core Classification Profiles | Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data | Photographs | USACE EUSTIS | Field Logs | Metadata | Software |

~ Approximately
% Percent
± Plus or Minus
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
B Borehole EUSTIS Study
bss Barataria Sand Study
CD Compact Disc
CD-ROM Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
cfm Cubic feet per minute
Cl Clay
cm Centimeter(s)
CMG Coastal and Marine Geology
CR Cheniere Ronquille
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DOC Microsoft Word document
DOS Disk Operating System
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-R Digital Versatile Disc - Recordable
ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute
FACS Field Activity Collection System
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee
FISC Florida Integrated Science Center (USGS)
ft Feet
GB Gigabyte
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GPS Global Positioning System
HRSP High-resolution seismic profiles
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
ID Identification
IE Internet Explorer
in Inches


ISO International Organization for Standardization
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
KB Kilobyte(s)
km Kilometer(s)
LA Louisiana
LDNR Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
LGS Louisiana Geological Survey
m Meter(s)
MB Megabyte(s)
mm Millimeters
NAD83 North American Datum 1983
No. or # Number(s)
ORC Ocean Research Contractors
OS Operating System
P86 Plaquemines
PC Personal Computer
PDF Portable Document Format
p. or pg Page(s)
phi,phi symbol- Greek letter - grain size: phi = log2(grain size in Millimeters Greek letter - grain size: phi = log2(grain size in Millimeters)
psi Pounds per square inch
RTF Rich Text Format
R/V Research Vessel
S Sand
SCC Subsidence and Coastal Change
Si Silt
m Micrometer
UNO University of New Orleans
UNOCRL University of New Orleans Coastal Research Labortory
U.S. United States
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
v. Volume
XLS Microsoft Excel Document

Home | Acronyms | Contents | Methods | Maps | Core Data Table | Vibracore Description Sheets | Interpreted Core Classification Profiles | Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data | Photographs | USACE EUSTIS | Field Logs | Metadata | Software |

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 03-Jun-2008 13:38:53 EDT