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[EnglishLanguage 2682] Re: Effective Needs Assessment Strategies

Steinbacher Mikal

Mikal.Steinbacher at
Thu Jun 19 18:37:05 EDT 2008


Are you willing to share it? I teach levels 4-6, and will be teaching a block class with our core car mechanic instructor this fall. Gonna learn how fix cars too! A lady mechanic! :-)

This would be a good tool in all upper level classes.

Mikal Steinbacher
Instructor, ABE/ESL/English
Lake Washington Technical College


From: englishlanguage-bounces at on behalf of Martin Senger
Sent: Thu 6/19/2008 12:01 PM
To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2678] Re: Effective Needs Assessment Strategies

Pax et bonum all!

I have developed a Second Language Acquisition (SLA) History form that I fill out when I get a new student. I question when and for how long they have studied not only English (L2), but also their native language(s) (L1), since this will give me an idea of their understanding how languages work in general (the toughest language to learn is your first second language).

I then ask them about their learning and usage of English informally through culture: language TV watched in, books/internet/newspapers, music, school/work/home. This gives me an idea of where they are going to practice their English.

For the piece de resistance, I ask them to grade themselves (0-10) on each of their language skills (I explain in some detail what each skill involves), and areas of specific difficulty or interest for each skill. This gives me an idea of their mind-set regarding their own language learning and a nice road map for my work with them.

I have mostly higher-level students, who can understand these questions when asked. Also, I would welcome anyone who would like to critique this form, sine I am but a lowly teacher and not a researcher!


Martin E. Senger
Adult ESL Teacher
GECAC / The R. Benjamin Wiley Learning Center
Erie, Pa

-----Original Message-----
From: englishlanguage-bounces at [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Betsy Wong
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:24 AM
To: 'The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List'
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2676] Re: Effective Needs Assessment Strategies

One of the strategies that has proven helpful in assessing learners' language needs has been a full-group discussion/brainstorming session, with each one of these questions discussed at a time:

Where do you speak English?
Where do you hear English?
Where do you read English?
Where do you write English?

Although this is simplistic, it really gets learners thinking about the situations in which they need to use English (and I usually follow up the question with, Are there any other times when you want to speak/hear/read/write English more easily?)

At the lower levels, it's helpful to use visuals as well (e.g., a picture of a hospital or a children's school - "Do you need to speak English here?")

I like to note answers on the board (this also lends itself to a "mind-mapping" diagram) and copy them for myself. I refer to it throughout the class term.

Sometimes I follow the needs assessment discussion with individual goal-setting, having learners write sentences about what they want to practice in English.

I find that it's really helpful, though, to do a full-class discussion first to generate ideas from which learners can pick and choose.

What are some other simple ways to do a needs assessment?

Betsy Lindeman Wong
Lead ESL Teacher
Alexandria Adult and Community Education


From: englishlanguage-bounces at [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Lynda Terrill
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:43 PM
To: englishlanguage at
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2674] Moving on--Effective Needs AssessmentStrategies?

Dear subscribers,

Thanks to the many of you who responded with thoughtful insights and advice to the issue of the "problem tutor"; it seems to have hit a chord with many.

There have been several requests now for the community to move to a different topic. While the subscribers on this list don't ever seem to be at a loss for topics, I thought I would throw out a possible new topic, and I hope others will do the same.

I realized awhile ago that almost every workshop I present starts with needs assessment--needs analysis of workshop participants and activities and information related to needs assessment for adult English language learners.

This is not a new topic, but I wonder if some of you could describe practical needs assessment strategies and activities you have used with adult English language learners?

For background reading, you could access The REEP ESL Curriculum for Adults at, then click on needs assessment in the Instructional Planning section. The needs assessment page includes links to needs assessment activities. Another resource is Needs Assessment and Learner Self-Evaluation from the Practitioner Toolkit: Working with Adult English Language Learners

Needs assessment and learner goal-setting are of continual interest to me, but please consider bringing up other topics of interest and concern-including adding new insights to the tutor discussion. Please change the subject line to reflect the topics.


Lynda Terrill
list moderator
lterrill at
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