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[EnglishLanguage 2657] Re: Problem Tutor How to Handle It

Bruce C

bcarmel at
Tue Jun 17 11:53:51 EDT 2008

I would also like to thank everyone for their thoughtful contributions to this discussion. There is a lot of knowledge out there about managing volunteers. Nice to feel a part of that community.

>From Bruce Carmel

in Brooklyn NY

--- On Tue, 6/17/08, Judy Rittenhouse <jrittenhouse at> wrote:

From: Judy Rittenhouse <jrittenhouse at>
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2654] Re: Problem Tutor How to Handle It
To: "The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List" <englishlanguage at>
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 12:33 PM

Apropos predicting what a new tutor's approach toward the
learner might be, I asked one of our tutors--a rabbi who
has a serious, respectful way with students--what to do.
He suggested a question that has turned up interesting
discussion during tutor orientations.

I ask each new tutor to take a moment and think of the
best teacher s/he ever had, and what made that teacher
memorable. Replies to this hint at what the new tutor
values in the learning exchange. It's not a litmus, but it
helps to inform intuition.

There is also some predictive value in: Have you studied
another language in another country?

Those are just for prediction. Once the pair has met and
sized up their situation, a trainer has to listen in now
and then. It's delicate business. Good luck.

Judy Rittenhouse, Tutor Trainer, ProJeCt of Easton

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 17:16:15 -0500
"Project CARE" <ProjectCARE at> wrote:

> I appreciate all of your comments. I have been reading

>and reflecting on

> what every one has written.


> I am so glad that I have such a great community of

>support from you all.


> Thanks for your wisdom and advice. Please feel free to

>continue to

> respond.


> Karin


> -----Original Message-----

>From: englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 2:28 PM

> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2646] Re: Problem Tutor How to

>Handle It


> I have been in this situation several times in the past,

>and it is very

> uncomfortable. You need to "fire" the tutor. I can

>offer a few

> suggestions to make it go more smoothly, but there is no

>escaping the

> fact that you will have an unpleasant time of it.


> 1. Arrange a one-on-one conversation with the tutor

>when there is no

> chance that you will have interruptions. I would start

>off by saying

> that you are sensing that the present match-up is not

>going 100%

> smoothly. Then I would just sit back and listen. The

>tutor will

> probably either go on at some length about how it is

>indeed not going

> well; or will go on at come length about how everything

>is great.

> During this time, listen carefully for the tutor to

>allude to some of

> the problems you know exist.


> 2. When the tutor is finished telling you everything on

>her mind, return

> to any points she made that illustrate your point. For

>example, "Yes, I

> agree it can be so frustrating working with a student

>who isn't

> progressing as quickly as we'd hope." This offers you

>the segue to say

> something like, "I am beginning to see a pattern, here.

> I have had some

> feedback over the time you've been with us that this is

>a real challenge

> for you."


> 3. Now for the tough part. You then tell her that when

>you see a

> pattern of barriers or frustration with a tutor over a

>period of time

> and with a variety of students, it helps you realize

>that a volunteer

> may not be cut out for tutoring this population. This

>is an opportunity

> for damage control. You can apologize for hurting her

>feelings; let her

> know you are the bad cop. Also, you can say things to

>make it clear

> that you are not acting based on the complaint of the

>present student.

> You can emphasize that this decision comes after a long

>period of

> observation.


> 4. Let the student know what you've done. If the tutor

>says anything to

> the student, the student should just express regret and

>say s/he is so

> sorry it turned out like that, etc...


> Good luck!


> Kate Diggins

> Director of Adult Education


> Guadalupe Schools

> 340 S. Goshen St.

> Salt Lake City, UT

> 84104


> work: 801.531.6100 (ext.1107)

> cell: 801.440.7519



> -----Original Message-----

>From: englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of

>Project CARE

> Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 2:52 PM

> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

> Subject: Problem Tutor How to Handle It



> I have a tutor who is a former high school teacher. She

>is retired now.

> She has been with our tutoring program for three years.


> There have been multiple complaints about this tutor on

>behalf of

> his/her students. The most recent example has been

>brought to my

> attention in the past couple days. It is the most

>extreme yet!


> According to the student, this tutor uses negative

> do

> you really want to learn? Uses inappropriate

> not related

> to everyday life (she was a biology teacher, so she

>teachers biology to

> students), or material too hard for the student. She

>makes the student

> feel bad about his/her level of English knowledge,

>making them feel

> frustrated and ineffectual. Luckily the student told me

>about this. I am

> going to talk to the student more about the situation.

>Obviously the

> student doesn't want to continue.


> Do I formally dismiss this tutor? Or, do I just say

>that I dont' have

> any students for the tutor at this point and that

>his/her current

> student is too busy now with his/her new schedule, With

>the intention of

> never giving this tutor another student in the future? I

>am leaning

> toward the latter right now.


> Which course of action do I take and what is most

>effective for everyone

> involved. I don't want to make the student feel bad or

>have the tutor

> call him/her asking what happened? The tutor is very

>two-faced. Plus,

> they live in the same community, so I don't want them to

>run into each

> other again and have a bad experience. I want to protect

>my student, who

> I will try to find another tutor.


> Thanks in advance! Any techniques for how to handle this


> tutor and/or breaking up the tutor/student pair will be

>very helpful.


> Karin Johnsey


> Project CARE

> Morton College

> Cicero, IL

> 708-656-8000 x383


> -----Original Message-----

>From: englishlanguage-bounces at on behalf of


> Sent: Thu 6/12/2008 4:15 PM

> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2627] Re: Best Listening,

>Bilingual, Online

> Test,& Video Site


> Hi Kate,

> If you are at school and that comes up it means that

>your network IT is

> blocking you from reaching the site. You could request

>from IT that

> they allow access to the site. They should check it out

>and get back to

> you with a yes--and allow the site to come in or no--and

>usually explain

> why they won't.

> If you can't get then you can try from home.

> Hope it helps.

> Joyce



> ----- Original Message ----

>From: Kate <Kate at>

> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

> <englishlanguage at>

> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:57:15 PM

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2626] Re: Best Listening,

>Bilingual, Online

> Test, & Video Site



> Hi, Steph-


> If I tried to go on the Internet using the wireless

>access, but I got

> the "Page cannot be displayed" page, does that mean

>there's something

> wrong? Or is it just that I was in a place where I

>could not get a

> signal?


> Kate Diggins

> Director of Adult Education


> GuadalupeSchools

> 340 S. Goshen St.

> Salt Lake City, UT

> 84104


> work: 801.531.6100 (ext.1107)

> cell: 801.440.7519




> ________________________________


>From:englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of

> LaFerlazzo at

> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 5:49 AM

> To: englishlanguage at

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2602] Re: Best Listening,

>Bilingual, Online

> Test,& Video Site



> Hi, Everybody,


> Here are a few more "The Best..." lists:


> The Best Online Video Sites For Learning English


> -for-learning-english/


> The Best Listening Sites For English Language Learners

> (

> or-english-language-learners/)


> The Best Multilingual & Bilingual Sites For Learning


> (

> ngual-sites-for-learning-english/)


> The Best Ways To Create Online Tests

> (

> line-tests/)


> Part Seventeen Of The Best Ways To Create Online Content

>Easily &

> Quickly

> (

> -ways-to-create-online-content-easily-quickly/)


> Larry Ferlazzo

> LutherBurbank High School

> Sacramento, CA






> ________________________________


> Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking

>with Tyler

>Florence" on AOL Food.





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