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[EnglishLanguage 2434] Vocabulary Building

Denise Sumlin

denise_sumlin at
Tue May 13 18:11:04 EDT 2008

In my class we do a lot of choral reading as to not bring attention to the weakness of one individual. Prior to performing the coral reading, I will introduce specific vocabulary words that we will focus on for the day. "The suggestion from the workshop to provide a limit of approximately 5 to 7 words a day has really increased fluency as well as comprehension. By providing the text. Then as we are choral reading, I have the students only focus on those words that we have introduced that day. This enables them to ignore other difficult words. Initially it took some time to get them to igonre other difficult words, but once they realized that we would cover 5 to 7 words a day. It was easier to get them to focus on the Words of the day. At the end of the week they were impressed that they had learnd about 25 to 30 new words.

Prior to this workshop I would look for various passages to cover in a weeks time, but the strategy to use one piece of text to several ways has increased familiarity, as well it build the students confidence in attempting to reading aloud alone. Once a passage has been read and reviewed several times, I request to the students to formulate questions.

Teaching in a multi-level class these strategies allow even the beginning ESL student to learn more vocabulary and challenge my intermediate students with vocabulary as well as reading comprehension.

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