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[EnglishLanguage 2241] COABE sessions

robinschwarz1 at

robinschwarz1 at
Thu Apr 3 13:20:35 EDT 2008

Hi listers-- I just wanted to bring your attention to several sessions I will be presenting or co-presenting at COABE:

On Monday there is a PreConference session sponsored by the National Association of Adults with Special Learning Needs ( NAASLN) --during one segment of that I will address issues around ESOL learners who struggle --what causes the struggle and what I know to be effective in helping such learners.?

On Tuesday in session A, one of the teachers I am coaching in a PD initiative in Washington, DC will be presenting with me on a minimal pair pilot project he undertook at my suggestion.?? He will have some interesting stories and we will have some preliminary data about the effectiveness of this technique for improving how adult ESOL learners hear English accurately. This teacher can also share with you how the school where he works has engaged in the PD Initiative which I am coaching.?

Wednesday, in Session H,? two teachers of adult ESOL in a project I am coaching in the mid-Hudson region of NY state will give a presentation about their work and the project.? I will be there with them, but it is their show.? These are two amazing teachers who have changed their practice quite significantly due to our PD project and have had astounding improvements in learner engagement and outcomes. ? One teacher primarily uses learning centers as her teaching approach; the other uses highly individualized multisensory materials as her technique.? You will enjoy seeing their work and talking to these great teachers.?

Thursday in session J, I will be addressing what needs to happen to help non/very low-literate adult ESOL learners be successful in learning not only English but literacy.?? This is a topic I have been vigorously researching the literature about recently and I have some interesting things to share.??

PLEASE NOTE that during Session A I have another session listed, "ESOL and LD: Be Careful!"??? This session was accidentally scheduled at the same time as the minimal pair session-- COABE has assured me it can be moved to a new slot once something else is canceled, but we won't know when that is until just before the conference-- so look for session changes when you register/arrive.??

I look forward to seeing many of you at COABE, which I always find to be the best conference for our profession!?

Robin Lovrien Schwarz
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