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[EnglishLanguage 3066] Re: ESL Recruitment strategies

Sally Bishop

s.bishop at
Thu Oct 30 17:17:11 EDT 2008

Thanks. Good ideas.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Betsy Wong <betsywong at> wrote:

> Excellent point, Sally. We can't simply assume that people can read

> fliers, even if they're printed in other languages –




> I'd suggest contacting people who provide services used by immigrants

> (clinic personnel, school social workers/office staff/parent liaisons,

> apartment managers) and tell them about the classes. If possible, go in

> person to talk to them and get "buy-in": emphasize how the classes would

> help people communicate in English so they can understand a nurse's

> questions/talk to teachers/help their kids with homework/report apartment

> problems . . .




> I'd also recommend emphasizing on the printed materials – and in

> communications with current students – that your program offers classes for

> beginners, even if they can't read or write in their own language. Sometimes

> students mistakenly assume that if they don't have prior schooling (or much

> of it), they can't take classes here. Get the word out to everyone you know

> that you have beginner classes for everyone, and they'll pass it along.




> For instance, a few years ago I went to a MacDonald's near our class site

> and spoke to a manager, who was an immigrant herself. She persuaded a few of

> the employees to take classes; I know from having them in my literacy class

> that they couldn't have deciphered a flier at that point. I also think that

> having a little "push" from someone they knew and trusted helped them get up

> the nerve to register (don't forget how intimidating that thought can be!).




> Other ideas, anyone?




> Betsy

> ------------------------------


> *From:* englishlanguage-bounces at [mailto:

> englishlanguage-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Sally Bishop

> *Sent:* Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:10 PM

> *To:* The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

> *Subject:* [EnglishLanguage 3064] Re: ESL Recruitment strategies




> Your ideas for recruitment are excellent. We have overwhelming response to

> our classes, but I am wondering what ideas you might have for reaching the

> ESL preliterate adult considering that they do not speak, read, or write in

> any language and may not wish to acknowledge their literacy issues.


> Sally


> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Betsy Wong <betsywong at> wrote:


> Here are some strategies we have used for our adult ESL community ed

> program:


> 1) Most obvious -- fliers everywhere (groceries, bus shelters, churches,

> laundromats, rec centers, fast food joints)


> 2) Health clinics and libraries -- go in person with fliers. Ask if you may

> leave some at the reception desk (and at the main information desk at the

> library). Make sure that you tell the receptionist/librarian about the

> program so that they may pass along the word verbally (remember, not

> everyone reads).


> 3) K-12 ESL intake center -- again, go in person and see if the staff will

> mention the program and/or give out fliers to parents who register their

> kids for ESL classes.


> 4) K-12 back to school nights -- have representatives from your program go

> in person and be on hand to talk about the program.


> 5) School social workers/parent liaisons (particularly bilingual ones) --

> Contact them with info. about your program to pass along to parents.


> 6) Go to apartment complexes. See if management will allow you to leave a

> stack of fliers in the laundry room and/or in individual mailboxes.


> 7) Write to local businesses that employ large numbers of immigrants. Ask

> them to help you get the word out (e.g., by posting a flier where employees

> would see it and/or encouraging them to take classes).


> If you're doing these things and you're still not getting the numbers, you

> might want to look at where/when you have classes: Are people able to

> easily

> get to classes by foot or on the bus? (And if by bus, does class let out

> before the last bus comes?) Are there childcare issues that you could

> address? Is the time simply not convenient for people?




> -------------------------------

> Betsy Lindeman Wong

> Lead ESL Teacher

> Alexandria Adult and Community Education


> -----Original Message-----

> From: englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Burger, Karen

> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:10 AM

> To: 'englishlanguage at'

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 3055] ESL Recruitment strategies


> Our state has seen in increase in its ESL population over the last few

> years. This growth is sometimes not reflected in our ESL enrollments. Can

> anyone offer recruitment strategies, intake materials and / or program

> development ideas that will help increase our ESL numbers?


> Karen Burger

> Professional Development Consultant

> Indiana Adult Education Professional Development Project

> John Beard Learning Center

> 1601 East College St.

> Crawfordsville, IN 47933

> kburger at




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