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[EnglishLanguage 3064] Re: ESL Recruitment strategies

Sally Bishop

s.bishop at
Thu Oct 30 15:10:07 EDT 2008

Your ideas for recruitment are excellent. We have overwhelming response to
our classes, but I am wondering what ideas you might have for reaching the
ESL preliterate adult considering that they do not speak, read, or write in
any language and may not wish to acknowledge their literacy issues.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:01 AM, Betsy Wong <betsywong at> wrote:

> Here are some strategies we have used for our adult ESL community ed

> program:


> 1) Most obvious -- fliers everywhere (groceries, bus shelters, churches,

> laundromats, rec centers, fast food joints)


> 2) Health clinics and libraries -- go in person with fliers. Ask if you may

> leave some at the reception desk (and at the main information desk at the

> library). Make sure that you tell the receptionist/librarian about the

> program so that they may pass along the word verbally (remember, not

> everyone reads).


> 3) K-12 ESL intake center -- again, go in person and see if the staff will

> mention the program and/or give out fliers to parents who register their

> kids for ESL classes.


> 4) K-12 back to school nights -- have representatives from your program go

> in person and be on hand to talk about the program.


> 5) School social workers/parent liaisons (particularly bilingual ones) --

> Contact them with info. about your program to pass along to parents.


> 6) Go to apartment complexes. See if management will allow you to leave a

> stack of fliers in the laundry room and/or in individual mailboxes.


> 7) Write to local businesses that employ large numbers of immigrants. Ask

> them to help you get the word out (e.g., by posting a flier where employees

> would see it and/or encouraging them to take classes).


> If you're doing these things and you're still not getting the numbers, you

> might want to look at where/when you have classes: Are people able to

> easily

> get to classes by foot or on the bus? (And if by bus, does class let out

> before the last bus comes?) Are there childcare issues that you could

> address? Is the time simply not convenient for people?




> -------------------------------

> Betsy Lindeman Wong

> Lead ESL Teacher

> Alexandria Adult and Community Education


> -----Original Message-----

> From: englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Burger, Karen

> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:10 AM

> To: 'englishlanguage at'

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 3055] ESL Recruitment strategies


> Our state has seen in increase in its ESL population over the last few

> years. This growth is sometimes not reflected in our ESL enrollments. Can

> anyone offer recruitment strategies, intake materials and / or program

> development ideas that will help increase our ESL numbers?


> Karen Burger

> Professional Development Consultant

> Indiana Adult Education Professional Development Project

> John Beard Learning Center

> 1601 East College St.

> Crawfordsville, IN 47933

> kburger at




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