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[EnglishLanguage 2386] Re: advancing competency

Crofford, Amy L.

alcrofford at
Mon May 12 15:45:50 EDT 2008

I agree that bi-lingual dictionaries or even SL dictionaries can be dangerous. A friend in French language school wrote that her baby had trouble swallowing her milk... but the student used the noun (bird) not the verb. Our teacher was quite confused trying to figure out what the hirondelle had to do with milk.

If we tell our students to use dictionaries, we need to be sure that they know how.

In the case of the "shift F7" in MS Word-- tell them to go an extra step and use the dictionary for the synonym-- sometimes the conotation of a word makes it inappropriate and ESL/ ELL people cannot tell that from a list of synonyms.



From: englishlanguage-bounces at on behalf of Steve Kaufmann
Sent: Mon 5/12/2008 2:01 PM
To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2384] Re: advancing competency

When learning a language I am always wary of words that I find in a dictionary, or thesaurus, or list of synonyms. In fact I stay away from them. They are not meaningful to me.

I think that learners should be encouraged to learn words from their own reading and listening, and to read more to acquire more words. They need to keep track of the words they have already encountered and the phrases where these words were used in familiar contexts. That is what I do, and then I use flash cards to review these words and phrases.

This helps to stimulate my powers of observation of the language, but it is when I have met words often enough in interesting contexts that they become a part of me, mostly incidentally, that is most of the words I learn were not the ones that I deliberately reviewed.


On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Pat Olson <polson at> wrote:

If computers are available, your students can make use of the synonym function of Word (highlight "nice" for example, right click on top of the highlighted word, click on "synonym" in the list that appears). This will offer them alternatives that they can explore further.

Pat Olson

Literacy Coordinator

Kishwaukee College

21193 Malta Rd.

Malta IL 60150

(815) 825-2086, ext. 320

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From: englishlanguage-bounces at [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sheryl Rogel
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 12:19 PM

To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2381] Re: advancing competency

Interesting. Good starter for a conversation with students as we talk about seeking out "other" words while editing their writing, like 'good' and 'nice' and such words learned when first acquiring language. This is not too different from writers for whom English is their first language as they often choose words that they learned when first acquiring language. I am thinking that when they are more careful about using words that are more specific, like jog or sprint instead of run, that they will be thinking in those terms more naturally.

Sheryl Rogel
English Instructor
Bates Technical College
1101 Yakima Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98498

"Every study of young writers I've done in the last twenty years has underestimated what they can do; in fact, we know very little about the human potential for writing." Donald Graves


From: englishlanguage-bounces at [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Steve Kaufmann
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 9:46 AM
To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2380] Re: advancing competency

Goals can be different for different learners. To me, one universal goal, and a good measurement of one's level, is the number of words known, and I mean just passively known. This can be relatively easily measured with cloze tests. If these words have been acquired honestly, through reading (and listening) , it usually means that a large number of them have been acquired incidentally, and that the learner is on his/her way to acquiring more words in the same way. Eventually, given the opportunity to speak and write, more and more of these passive words will become active. But passive vocabulary is the foundation of language growth, and an excellent measurement of progress, in my view.


On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Sheryl Rogel <srogel at> wrote:

Very nicely explained Wayne. I will be thoughtful about sharing your thoughts with our students. I think this description would be most helpful for students in understanding their own language acquisition struggles so they can proceed with confidence when setting explicit goals. Thank you

Sheryl Rogel
English Instructor
Bates Technical College
1101 Yakima Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98498

"Every study of young writers I've done in the last twenty years has underestimated what they can do; in fact, we know very little about the human potential for writing." Donald Graves


From: englishlanguage-bounces at [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Wayne Hall
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 1:46 AM

To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2371] Re: advancing competency

A paradigm that I have used with advanced adult students of English in Korea is to tell them that learning a language is a bit like being in a small boat on a body of water. When students first begin learning a language, it's a bit like being in a small boat that is passing midway down a narrow stream. As the boat moves forward, the banks of the stream are passing by, so it is easy for the learner/traveller to have a sense of progress, and a sense of where they are going.

When you become an advanced student, however, you have a problem...the small stream has opened up into an "ocean" of English. There are no "banks of the stream" anymore; nothing to give you a reference point or a sense of direction. The language you've learned is now an goes on forever, and you can "move" and "see" in any possible direction. However, it is now very difficult to have a sense of progress or a sense of direction. You can move your boat over to the region of legalisms and legal English, for example, and study those for a while...but when you finish, there is still something else to learn. And there always will be.

So what does an advanced learner do? They have to develop new tools to give themselves a reference point and be able to determine where they are going and how they are progressing. They need a "nautical chart": a set of explicit goals, means to achieve those goals, and ways or milestones to measure your progress. Then we go through an exercise where the students have to develop five very explicit, specific goals ffor language acquisition, and how they will achieve those goals. For example, one student decided she wanted to learn the names of all the Italian spices, and what dishes they are used in.

Wayne Hall

Global Language School

Gumi, Korea

Holly Dilatush <holly at> wrote:

Hello Sheryl, all,

a quick response now, maybe more later --

But setting written specific goals and then developing a rubric (with input from learner and facilitator/instructor on observed error/challenge patterns) --

then ensuring that the rubric is understood, then editing paragraphs with a focus on ONLY one rubric item at a time, repeatedly --

challenge the learner to take one paragraph, edit it looking ONLY for ONE of the errors she/he is trying to correct,

then have it reviewed by instructor, then edited / perfected again for that ONE error only.

Then repeat with another paragraph and another and another until learner feels more confident in that skill (this may be a day, days, weeks; varying per learner), then POST a written dated track record of progress, and tackle the next item -- I've noticed in informal research that this method yields positive results, measurable results, and is a motivator, and often rapid incremental progress noted, with fewer backslides than other approaches.

must dash, hope this makes some sense and is helpful in some way -- will try to post/share a sample rubric later,


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Sheryl Rogel <srogel at> wrote:

Greetings. I am new to this blogging world; thus, I may be not applying

this form correctly as I am just 'replying to all' via my email.

I am quite interested in the how teachers advance the language of higher

level learners of English. In my regular college prep English courses,

I work with a few students each quarter at this level, and in the last

week I have been introduced to two young, 14 year old, Chinese students

attending a local private school who want to advance their English this


They have been excellent students in their Chinese schools and their

thinking shows depth and much of their speaking and writing in our

language is delightful --- similar to our high school and adult

students. However, their writing also reflects a variety of

misunderstandings about sentence structure and verb and preposition

choices, as well as a lack of depth in vocabulary, i.e. overuse of words

such as 'good' - 'nice' - words that appear in primary school readers.

They are asked to write page+ long assignments and the misunderstandings

continue to pile up until we must ask, "Where do we start?"

Any suggestions focusing on strategies, lessons, and/or ideas that have

been successful in advancing English competency would be welcomed.

Thank you.

Holly (Dilatush)

holly at

(434) 960.7177 cell phone

(434) 295.9716 home phone

[OK to call 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST / GMT -5 time]

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