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[EnglishLanguage 2879] Re: citizenship

Martin Senger

MSenger at
Wed Sep 24 14:20:24 EDT 2008

Whether teaching civics is going to make immigrants assimilate better is
doubtful in my mind. Better language skills will help them do better in
their new country, and probably increase their chances of liking the
country. Thereafter they will make their own choices.

This is where I think civics instruction is essential. Beginning a
dialogue with my students about what they see outside my class in a
"secure" environment (not feeling stupid or rude to ask "What
the....?!") inside my class is, I feel, a great place to start. In fact,
I call Mondays "Cultural Mondays" in my class because I ask the students
to bring in questions for me, about ANYTHING they see, hear or read.
Often, they ask me why Americans do the things they/we do. Sometimes I
can explain it, other times I admit we can be a little "crazy" just like
every other culture in the world. My students also know that they can
disagree with me and that's fine. That diversity thing again.

I think a major step towards literacy and civics could be achieved by
setting up a Website with vast resources of sound files and transcripts
of ordinary people talking about their lives in English, as well as
radio programs,speeches etc.

Websites are great tools, and there are lots of sites like you
recommend, though they may be geared more toward native English-speaking
students. However, the internet is often just another layer of confusion
that my students would have to get through. I am often the primary (if
not only) educational resource for English language or American culture.
Every student is different in their ability to understand the language
and culture that now surrounds them.

And in return, by my students questioning my culture, it allows me to
look at myself and ask myself "What the....?!" (I am a firm believer in


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