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photograph of Deborah J Danker
Deborah J Danker
Deputy Director
Division of Monetary Affairs

Contact Information

Fields of Interest
Monetary Policy
Financial Markets
International Finance

Ph.D., Economics, Yale University, 1983
M.Phil., Economics, Yale University, 1977
A.B., Economics, Princeton University, 1975

Professional Experience
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2004-present
Senior Adviser, The World Bank, 1993-2004
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance, U.S. Treasury Department, 1992-1993
Senior Economist, Council of Economic Advisers, 1987-1988
Assistant Director, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1984-1993
Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1979-1984

Selected Publications

  • ''Background on FOMC Meeting Minutes'' (with Matthew M. Luecke), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 91 (Spring 2005), pp. 175-79.
  • ''The Funding Strategy of the World Bank,'' in Kari Nars, ed., Excellence in Debt Management. U.K.: Euromoney Publications, 1997.
  • International Financial Markets and the U.S. External Imbalance (with Peter Hooper), International Finance Discussion Papers 372. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1990.
  • ''Small Empirical Models of Exchange Market Intervention : Applications to Germany, Japan, and Canada'' (with Richard Haas, Dale Henderson, Steven Symansky, and others), Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 9 (Spring 1987), pp. 143-73.
  • ''The Profitability of U.S.-Chartered Insured Commercial Banks in 1986'' (with Mary M. McLaughlin), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 73 (July 1987), pp. 537-51.
  • ''The Profitability of U.S.-Chartered Insured Commercial Banks in 1985'' (with Mary M. McLaughlin), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 72 (September 1986), pp. 618-32.

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