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photograph of Betty C. Daniel
Betty C. Daniel
Senior Economist
Advanced Foreign Economies Section
Division of International Finance

Contact Information

Fields of Interest
Open Economy Macroeconomics

Ph.D., Economics, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, 1976

Professional Experience
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2008-present
Professor, University at Albany - SUNY, 1983-present

Selected Publications

  • ''Financial Liberalization and Banking Crises in Emerging Markets '' (with John B. Jones), Journal of International Economics, vol. 72 (May 2007), pp. 202-221.
  • ''The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level and Initial Government Debt,'' Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 10 (May 2007), pp. 193-206.
  • ''A Fiscal Theory of Currency Crises,'' International Economic Review, vol. 42 (November 2001), pp. 969-988.
  • ''The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level in an Open Economy,'' Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 48 (October 2001), pp. 293-308.
  • ''International Interdependence of National Growth Rates: A Structural Trends Analysis,'' Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 1997 (September 1997), pp. 73-96.
  • ''Precautionary Savings and Persistence in the Current Account,'' Journal of International Economics, vol. 1997 (February 1997), pp. 179-193.
  • ''Tax-Timing and Liquidity Constraints: A Heterogeneous-Agent Model,'' Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 25 (May 1993), pp. 176-196.
  • ''Uncertainty and the Timing of Taxes,'' Journal of International Economics, vol. 34 (February 1993), pp. 95-114.
  • ''One-Sided Uncertainty about Future Fiscal Policy,'' Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 21 (May 1989), pp. 176-189.
  • ''Optimal Purchasing Power Prity Deviations,'' International Economic Review, vol. 27 (June 1986), pp. 483-511.

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