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Outreach/Clean City Programs

Weed and Litter Removal

Clean City provides ongoing clean-up of weed and litter from major thoroughfares and along curblines and medians. Read more >>

Albuquerque Clean Team

Get involved in the community-wide effort to improve our city—one area at a time. Read more >>

Graffiti Removal

Learn about the threat graffiti poses to our community and how to report the graffiti you see. Read more >>

Education Outreach Programs

The department provides education outreach to public schools as well as community groups and individuals interested in learning about recycling and responsible waste disposal. Read more >>

Keep Albuquerque Beautiful

KAB provides community education on all solid waste management issues and alternatives through litter control, beautification, and graffiti eradication activities. These activities are geared toward increasing awareness and changing attitudes. Read more >>

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