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Articles and Publications

AHRQ-Supported Research on Child and Adolescent Health


Adams EK, Bronstein JM, Florence CS. Effects of primary care case management on Medicaid children in Alabama and Georgia: provider availability and race/ethnicity. Med Care Res Rev 2006 Feb; 63(1):58-87. AHRQ Grant No. HS10435. Select for abstract.

Ampofo K, Gesteland PH, Bender J, et al. Epidemiology, complications, and cost of hospitalization in children with laboratory-confirmed influenza infection. Pediatrics 2006 Dec; 118(12):2409-17. AHRQ Grant No. HS11826. Select for abstract.

Barlow SE, Ohlemeyer CL. Parent reasons for nonreturn to a pediatric weight management program. Clin Pediatr 2006 May; 45(4):355-60. AHRQ Grant No. HS13901. Select for abstract.

Bell JF, Zimmerman FJ, Almgren GR, et al. Birth outcomes among urban African-American women: a multilevel analysis of the role of racial residential segregation. Soc Sci Med 2006 Dec; 63(12):3030-45. AHRQ Grant HS13853. Select for abstract.

Boyd-Ball AJ, Manson SM, Noonan C, et al. Traumatic events and alcohol use disorders among American Indian adolescents and young adults. J Trauma Stress 2006 Dec; 19(6):937-47. AHRQ Grant HS10854. Select for abstract.

Camenga DR, Klein JD, Roy J. The changing risk profile of the American adolescent smoker: implications for prevention programs and tobacco interventions. J Adolesc Health 2006 Jul; 39(1):120 e1-10. AHRQ Grant No. HS014419. Select for abstract.

Cawley J, Meyerhoefer C, Newhouse D. Not your father's PE: obesity, exercise, and the role of schools. Educ Next 2006 Fall; 6(4):60-66.

Chamberlain JM, Patel KM, Pollack MM. Association of emergency department care factors with admission and discharge decisions for pediatric patients. J Pediatr 2006 Nov; 149(5):644-9. AHRQ Grant No. HS10238. Select for abstract.

Chang RK, Gurvitz M, Hong E, et al. Current practice of exercise stress testing among pediatric cardiology and pulmonology centers in the United States. Pediatr Cardiol 2006 Jan-Feb; 27(1):110-16. AHRQ Grant No. HS13217. abstract.

Chang RK, Rodriguez S, Lee M, et al. Risk factors for deaths occurring within 30 days and 1 year after hospital discharge for cardiac surgery among pediatric patients. Am Heart J 2006 Aug; 152(2):386-93. AHRQ Grant No. HS13217. Select for abstract.

Chen AY, Escarce JJ. Effects of family structure on children's use of ambulatory visits and prescription medications. Health Serv Res 2006 Oct; 41(5):1895-914. AHRQ Grant No. HS10770. Select for abstract.

Chevarley FM, Owens PL, Zodet MW, et al. Health care for children and youth in the United States: annual report on patterns of coverage, utilization, quality, and expenditures by a county level of urban influence. Ambul Pediatr 2006 Sep-Oct; 6(5):241-64. Select for abstract.

Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, Rivara FP, et al. Improving pediatric prevention via the Internet: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2006 Sep; 118(3):1157-66. AHRQ Grant No. HS13302. Select for abstract.

Cloutier MM, Wakefiled DB, Sangeloty-Higgins P, et al. Asthma guideline use by pediatricians in private practices and asthma morbidity. Pediatrics 2006 Nov; 118(5):1880-7. AHRQ Grant No. HS11147. Select for abstract.

Conway PH, Edwards S, Stucky ER, et al. Variations in management of common inpatient pediatric illnesses: hospitalists and community pediatricians. Pediatrics 2006 Aug; 118(2):441-7. AHRQ Grant No. HS13333. Select for abstract.

Dean GE, Scott LD, Rogers AE.Infants at risk: when nurse fatigue jeopardizes quality care. Adv Neonatal Care 2006 Jun; 6(3):120-6. AHRQ Grant No. HS1196301. Select for abstract.

Dougherty D, Simpson LA, McCormick MC. Rural areas and children's health care coverage, use, expenditures, and quality: policy implications. Ambul Pediatr 2006 Sep-Oct; 6(5):265-7. Select for abstract.

Flaherty EG, Sege R, Price LL, et al. Pediatrician characteristics associated with child abuse identification and reporting: results from a national survey of pediatricians. Child Maltreat 2006 Nov; 11(4):361-9. AHRQ Grant No. HS10746. Select for abstract.

Fu LY, Ruthazer R, Wilson I, et al. Brief hospitalization and pulse oximetry for predicting amoxicillin treatment failure in children with severe pneumonia. Pediatrics 2006 Dec; 118(12):e1822-30. AHRQ Grant No. HS00060. Select for abstract.

Gnanasekaran SK, Finkelstein JA, Lozano P, et al. Influenza vaccination among children with asthma in Medicaid managed care. Ambul Pediatr 2006 Jan-Feb; 6(1):1-7. AHRQ Grant No. HS09935. Select for abstract.

Gray JE, Suresh G, Ursprung R, et al. Patient misidentification in the neonatal intensive care unit: quantification of risk. Pediatrics 2006 Jan; 117(1):e43-7. AHRQ Grant No. HS11583.  Select for abstract.

Haberland CA, Phibbs CS, Baker LC. Effect of opening midlevel neonatal intensive care units on the location of low birth weight births in California. Pediatrics 2006 Dec; 118(6):e1667-79. AHRQ/NICHD Grant HD36914. Select for abstract.

Hayes RD, Brown J, Brown LU, et al. Classical test theory and item response theory analyses of multi-item scales assessing parents' perceptions of their children's dental care. Med Care 2006 Nov; 44(11 Supp 3):S60-S68. AHRQ Grant No. HS00924. Select for abstract.

Heslin KC, Casey R, Shaheen MA, et al. Racial and ethnic differences in unmet need for vision care among children with special health care needs. Arch Ophthalmol 2006 Jun; 124(6):895-902. AHRQ Grant No. HS01422. Select for abstract.

Hicks RW, Becker SC, Cousins DD. Harmful medication errors in children: a 5-year analysis of data from the USP's MEDMARX program. J Pediatr Nurs 2006 Aug; 21(4):290-8. AHRQ Grant No. HS010397. Select for abstract.

Holman RC, Stoll BJ, Curns AT, et al. Necrotising enterocolitis hospitalizations among neonates in the United States. Paediatr Perinatal Epidemiol 2006 Nov; 20(6):498-506. Select for abstract.

Hubbard HB. A primer on economic evaluations related to expansion of newborn screening for genetic and metabolic disorders. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2006 Nov-Dec; 35(6):692-9. Select for abstract.

Joesch JM, Kim H, Kieckhefer GJ, et al. Does your child have asthma? Filled prescriptions and household report of child asthma. J Pediatr Health Care 2006 Nov-Dec; 20(6):374-83. AHRQ Grant No. HS13110. Select for abstract.

Kaji AH, Gausche-Hill M, Conrad H, et al. Emergency medical services system changes reduce pediatric epinephrine dosing errors in the prehospital setting. Pediatrics 2006 Oct; 118(4):1493-500. AHRQ Grant No. HS09166. Select for abstract.

Klein JD, Shenkman E, Brach C, et al. Prior health care experiences of adolescents who enroll in SCHIP. J Health Care Poor Underserved 2006 Nov; 17(4):789-807. AHRQ Grants HS10463 and HS10465.  Select for abstract.

Lara M, Akinbami L, Flores G, et al. Heterogeneity of childhood asthma among Hispanic children: Puerto Rican children bear a disproportionate burden. Pediatrics 2006 Jan; 117(1):43-53. AHRQ Grant No. HS00008. Select for abstract.

Lee GM, Gortmaker SL, McIntosh K, et al. Quality of life for children and adolescents: impact of HIV infection and antiretroviral treatment. Pediatrics 2006 Feb; 117(2):273-83. AHRQ Grant No. HS013908. Select for abstract.

Levy DE, Meara E. The effect of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement on prenatal smoking. J Health Econ 2006 Mar; 25(2):276-94. AHRQ Grant No. HS00055. Select for abstract.

Lin ND, Kleinman K, Chan KA, et al. Variation in hepatitis B immunization coverage rates associated with provider practices after the temporary suspension of the birth dose. BMC Pediatr 2006 Nov 13; 6:31. AHRQ Grant No. HS00028. Select for abstract.

Mack JW, Wolfe J, Grier HE, et al. Communication about prognosis between parents and physicians of children with cancer; parent preferences and the impact of prognostic information. J Clin Oncol 2006 Nov-Dec; 7(6):509-29. AHRQ Grant No. HS00063. Select for abstract.

Mangione-Smith R, Elliott MN, Stivers T, et al. Ruling out the need for antibiotics: are we sending the right message? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2006 Sep; 160(9):945-52. AHRQ Grant No. HS13299.Select for abstract.

Mayer ML. Are we there yet? Distance to care and relative supply among pediatric medical subspecialties. Pediatrics 2006 Dec; 118(12):2313-21. AHRQ Grant No. HS13309. Select for abstract.

Mayer ML, Brogan L, Sandborn CI. Availability of pediatric rheumatology training in United States pediatric residencies. Arthritis Rheum 2006 Dec 15; 55(6):836-42. AHRQ Grant HS13309. Select for abstract.

Mitchell JB, Haber SG, Hoover S. What happens to children who lose public health insurance coverage? Med Care Res Rev 2006 Oct; 63(5):623-35. Select for abstract.

Morales LS, Elliot M, Weech-Maldonado R, et al. The impact of interpreters on parents' experiences with ambulatory care for their children. Med Care Res Rev 2006 Feb; 63(1):110-28. AHRQ Grant No. HS000924. Select for abstract.

Murphy NA, Hoff C, Jorgensen T, et al. A national perspective of surgery in children with cerebral palsy. Pediatr Rehabil 2006 Jul-Sep; 9:3):293-399. AHRQ Grant No. HS11826. Select for abstract.

Olfson M, Marcus SC, Shaffer D. Antidepressant drug therapy and suicide in severely depressed children and adults: A case-control study. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2006 Aug; 63(8):865-72. AHRQ Grant No. HS16097. Select for abstract.

Oman JA, Cooper RJ, Homes JF, et al. Performance of a decision rule to predict need for computed tomography among children with blunt head trauma. Pediatrics 2006 Jan; 117(1):e238-46. AHRQ Grant No. HS09699. Select for abstract.

Patterson Pd, Baxley EG, Probst JC, et al. Medically unnecessary emergency medical services (EMS) transports among children ages 0 to 17 years. Matern Child Health J 2006 Nov; 10(6):527-36. AHRQ Grant No. HS00032. Select for abstract.

Phibbs CS, Schmitt SK. Estimates of the cost and length of stay changes that can be attributed to one-week increases in gestational age of premature infants. Early Human Dev 2006 Feb; 82(2):85-95. AHRQ/NICHD Grant No. HD36914. Select for abstract.

Porter SC, Forbes P, Feldman HA, et al. Impact of patient-centered decision support on quality of asthma care in the emergency department. Pediatrics 2006 Jan; 117(1):e33-42. AHRQ Grant No. HS11660. Select for abstract.

Santillanes G, Gausche-Hill M, Sosa B. Preparedness of selected pediatric offices to respond to critical emergencies in children. Pediatr Emerg Care 2006 Nov; 22(11):694-8. AHRQ Grant No. HS9166. Select for abstract.

Scholes D, Grothaus L, McClure J, et al. A randomized trial of strategies to increase chlamydia screening in young women. Prev Med 2006 Oct; 43(4):343-50. AHRQ Grant HS10514. Select for abstract.

Selden TM. Compliance with well-child visit recommendations: evidence from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2000-2002. Pediatrics 2006 Dec; 118(12):e1766-78. Select for abstract.

Sharek PJ, Horbar JD, Mason W, et al. Adverse events in the neonatal intensive care unit: development, testing, and findings of an NICU-focused trigger tool to identify harm in North American NICUs. Pediatrics 2006 Oct; 118(4):1332-40. AHRQ Grants HS01398 and HS11583. Select for abstract.

Slora EJ, Thoma KA, Wasserman RC, et al. Patient visits to a national practice-based research network: comparing pediatric research in office settings with the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Pediatrics 2006 Aug; 118(2):e228-34. AHRQ Grant No. HS13512. Select for abstract.

Stockwell DC, Slonim AD. Quality and safety in the intensive care unit. J Intensive Care Med 2006 Jul-Aug; 21(4):199-210. AHRQ Grant No. HS14009. Select for abstract.

Szilagyi PG, Dick AW, Klein JD, et al. Improved asthma care after enrollment in the State Children's Health Insurance Program in New York. Pediatrics 2006 Feb; 117(2):486-96. AHRQ Grant No. HS10450. Select for abstract.

Taylor BJ, Robbins JM, Gold JI, et al. Assessing postoperative pain in neonates: a multicenter observational study. Pediatrics 2006 Oct; 118(4):992-1000. AHRQ Grant No. HS13698. Select for abstract.

Thomas EJ, Sexton JB, Lasky RE, et al. Teamwork and quality during neonatal care in the delivery room. J Perinatol 2006 Mar; 26(3):163-9. AHRQ Grant No. HS11544. Select for abstract.

Trokel M, Discala C, Terrin NC, et al. Patient and injury characteristics in abusive abdominal injuries. Pediatr Emerg Care 2006 Oct; 22(10):700-4. AHRQ Grant No. HS00060. Select for abstract.

Vitiello B, Zuvekas SH, Norquist GS. National estimates of antidepressant medication use among U.S. children, 1997-2002. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2006 Mar; 45(3):271-9. Select for abstract.

Wakefield DB, Cloutier MM. Modifications to HEDIS and CSTE algorithms improve case recognition of pediatric asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol 2006 Oct; 41(10):962-71. AHRQ Grant No. HS11147. Select for abstract.

Walsh KE, Adams WG, Bauchner H,et al. Medication errors related to computerized order entry for children. Pediatrics 2006 Nov; 118(5):1872-9. AHRQ Grant No. HS13333. Select for abstract.

Welch WP, Rudolph BA, Blewett LA, et al. Management tools for Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). J Ambul Care Manag 2006 Oct-Dec; 29(4):272-82. AHRQ Contract 290-00-0012. Select for abstract.

Whitney SN, Ethier AM, Fruge E, et al. Decision making in pediatric oncology: who should take the lead? The Decisional Priority in Pediatric Oncology Model. J Clin Oncol 2006 Jan 1; 24(1):160-5. AHRQ Grant No. HS11289. Select for abstract.

Wong ST. The relationship between parent emotion, parent behavior, and health status of young African American and Latino children. J Pediatr Nurs 2006 Dec; 21(6):434-42. AHRQ Grant HS10004. Select for abstract.

Zuvekas SH, Vitiello B, Norquist GS. Recent trends in stimulant medication use among U.S. children. Am J Psychiatry 2006 Apr; 163(4):579-85. Select for abstract.

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