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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Appendix B: Sample Sustainability Planning Project Goals and Roles Statement


The Quality Corporation needs to determine the validity of our goals and objectives in light of our changing roles (as a result of our grants and the changing Oregon health care environment) and ensure that our value proposition addresses the State's need for quality improvement efforts. Specifically, we will:

Quality Corporation Objectives

  1. Confirm our vision and core strategies
  2. Conduct an environmental scan
  3. Confirm the prioritization of work
  4. Build a sustainability plan document, including funding strategies

Community Quality Collaborative Sustainability Framework

The Sustainability Program for Community Quality Collaboratives includes three case studies and an overview that highlight seven leading practices that drive sustainability in successful organizations. The leading practices enable the organizations to deliver on the core vision, while creating and maintaining opportunities for funding.


  1. Responding to Compelling Market Circumstances
  2. Maintaining Balance Among Stakeholders
  3. Providing Effective Leadership
  4. Employing Rigorous Prioritization
  5. Delivering Tangible Value
  6. Communicating Proactive
  7. Establishing a Transparent Management Style


Quality Corporation Project Scope

The Quality Corporation already has completed substantial work around strategic planning, including identifying opportunities and developing and executing strategies in a number of the seven leading practice areas. Therefore, this pilot project is designed to build on those prior efforts by focusing on the following three practices: response to market circumstances (#1); rigorous prioritization (#4); and delivering tangible value (#5).

This will be accomplished through the following activities:

  1. Confirm Quality Corporation Vision — We will conduct working sessions to vet and approve the document Nancy Clarke has drafted. The initial work will be scheduled in June and early July with the steering committee. The results will then be presented to the Board for finalization at the July board meeting.
  2. Conduct Environmental Scan — The Quality Corporation — with assistance from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Aligning Forces for Quality evaluation team as well as an independent consulting firm — has completed various in-depth surveys and interviews on related topics. This work will be referenced in this project and supplemented with two additional views:
    1. Program Gap Analysis — This will be accomplished by surveying staff and stakeholders, as well as by researching market sources, to identify other organizations that are tackling the same issues that Quality Corporation is targeting (as defined and confirmed in the Vision statement). The goal is to provide an updated view of the regional market, and specifically to identify other initiatives that may either compete with or be complementary to Quality Corporation efforts.
    2. Stakeholder Priorities — This will be accomplished by asking stakeholders to independently select and rank top-priority programs based on the value to the organizations that they represent.
  3. Prioritize Programs— Using the inputs from the Program Gap Analysis and Stakeholder Priority survey, as well as prior work, we will engage the board to set priorities and to confirm a model for managing priorities in the future. This work will begin with the steering committee, which will prepare recommendations for full board review and approval.
  4. Prepare Sustainability Plan — All the preceding work will be captured in a sustainability plan document and implementation workplan as final deliverables for the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation.


Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation
Sustainability Pilot Project — Proposed Timeline
Updated: June 16, 2008

    May June July August September October  
Task   12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27  
Project Launch
Kick-off with CVE Staff X X                                                
Complete Prework Checklist   X X                                              
Confirm Scope, Deliverables, Timeline       X X                                          
Establish Steering Committee           X                                          
Phase I: Level-Setting & Analysis
Harmonize Vision with Steering Committee             X X X X                                  
Validate Vision at July Board Meeting                     X                                
Conduct Program Gap Analysis                 X X X X X X                          
Create Stakeholder Prioritization Survey                       X X X                          
Conduct Prioritization Survey                           X X X                      
Compile Survey & Scan Results                               X X X X                
Prepare Prioritization Recommendations (with Steering Committee)                                   X X                
Phase II: Definition
Present Analysis Results to Board                                       X              
Facilitate Prioritization Session                                       X              
Draft Sustainability Plan document                                       X X X X        
Phase III: Execution
Build Implementation Workplan                                           X X X      
Draft Dashboard                                               X X    
Confirm Plan, Workplan, Dashboard
with Steering Group
Execute Plan                                                   Gray
Monitor Results                                                   Gray

Nancy Vacation (week of June 30)
Karen Vacation (Week of July 7)

*** CVE Webinar (November)

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