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[EnglishLanguage 2907] English language learners

Lynda Terrill

lterrill at
Thu Sep 25 13:32:03 EDT 2008

Dear subscribers,

It might be productive for the list to refocus on sharing principles and strategies for getting to know who the learners are-- including their needs, goals as well as language proficiencies, demographic, and cultural backgrounds.

I'm wondering whether the nature of online discussions themselves may sometimes lead to simplification (or over-simplification) of complex issues. A word or a phrase or an expressed idea may seem more immutable in print than it might be in real life. I have little doubt that if we met in real time at a café, we would find that we have much in common. If this imaginary meeting were like almost all of the conversations I've had with other adult ESL practitioners, we'd all be talking with respect, admiration, and concern for the adult English language learners we work with.


Lynda Terrill
List moderator
lterrill at

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