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Letter from Mayor Martin J. Chavez

September 30, 2008

Dear Albuquerque Citizen:

We live in a challenging world. In just a few short years, many have come to understand that we must act locally to protect our planet. We can’t afford to sit back. We can’t expect others – individuals, businesses, governments, or countries – to do what needs to be done to ensure we protect our community, city, state, country, or the Earth for the next generations. We must ensure they point to us and say we were good stewards.

Yet, community sustainability has moved from the abstract to the real, from a debate about validity to a mandate for action. It’s not only about future generations; it’s impacting the here and now!

So how do we begin? How about with the facts! These facts need to be in the context of a sustainable community, not just what the City can address, but what our community must know to act effectively. The Albuquerque Progress Report 2008 provides us with this foundation. When we think about our future and what our citizens desire for Albuquerque, we now know where we are today. With this knowledge we can craft plans and take action to move us toward the desired future.

So read this carefully. Think about what you can do to advance our community toward these desired conditions. Get involved, volunteer, advocate, show your concern for this community!

As you read the Albuquerque Progress Report 2008, you’ll see we have as much to be proud of as we have challenges to address. Recognize where we have progressed, but do your part to make it better!

I would like to express my thanks to the Indicators Progress Commission for their hard, thoughtful work in producing this document. If you are motivated to action and want to learn more about how you can contribute to a sustainable Albuquerque, please contact me at your earliest convenience!


Martin J. Chávez, Mayor
City of Albuquerque

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