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October 19, 2001

Halloween 2001: Oct. 31

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To mark the celebration of Halloween, the Census Bureau has culled from recently released data the following facts pertaining to this spooky observance.

"Trick or Treat!"

41.1 million
The number of potential "trick-or-treaters" -- 5- to 14-year-olds -- across the United States, according to Census 2000. This number is greater than the "baby boom" children in this age range counted in the 1970 census (40.7 million). California had the largest number of 5- to 14-year-olds in 2000 -- 5.3 million. In 1970, California had 3.9 million. <>


894.9 million pounds
Total U.S. pumpkin production in 2000. Illinois, with a production of 364 million pounds, led the country, followed by California (180 million), New York (114 million) and Pennsylvania (109 million). The total value of all these pumpkins was $101.6 million. <>

Where to Spend Halloween?

The number of places around the country with "pumpkin" in their names. That unincorporated town is Pumpkin Center, N.C., whose Census 2000 population was 2,228. Other locales that may get you in the Halloween mood are Transylvania County, also in the Tarheel State (Census 2000 population: 29,334), and Pumpkin Bend township, Ark. (population 307). <>


Number of U.S. manufacturing establishments in 1999 producing chocolate and cocoa products. These manufacturers employed 42,697 people and shipped $11 billion worth of goods that year. Pennsylvania, with 112, led the nation in the number of chocolate/cocoa manufacturing establishments, closely followed by California with 102. <> and <>

Number of U.S. establishments that manufactured nonchocolate confectionary products in 1999. These establishments employed 24,834 people and shipped $6 billion worth of goods that year. California led the nation, with 80 establishments. <> and <>

$374 million
Value of U.S. imports of chocolate between January and July 2001; the bulk of this amount -- $234 million worth -- came from Canada. <>

$429 million
Value of U.S. imports of nonchocolate candy between January and July 2001; Canada was the leading source ($142 million worth). <>

The preceding facts come from Census 2000, the 1970 census, U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service, County Business Patterns, U.S. import and export trade reports and the Annual Survey of Manufactures. Previous 2001 Census Bureau Facts for Features: African American History Month (February), Valentine's Day (Feb. 14), Women's History Month (March), Census Day, 2000: One Year Later (April 1), Mother's Day (May 13), Asian Pacific American Month (May), Older Americans Month (May), Father's Day (June 17), the Fourth of July, Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary (July 26), Back to School (August), Grandparent's Day (Sept. 9) and Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15). Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau's Public Information Office (Tel: 301-457-3030; Fax: 301-457-3670; e-mail: <>).

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009