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Biology - Biological Informatics Program - Vegetation Characterization Program

USGS:Biology arrow icon Biological Informatics Program arrow icon Vegetation Characterization Program arrow icon Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park

Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park

Products available:

  • Aerial Photography
  • Graphic of Orthophoto Mosaic - Leaf-off "frsportho_leafoff.pdf" (902K)
    Graphic of Orthophoto Mosaic - Leaf-on "frsportho_leafon.pdf" (876K)
    Self extracting files containing Spatial Orthophoto Data "frsportho_leafoff.exe" (489M)
    Self extracting files containing Spatial Orthophoto Data "frsportho_leafon.exe" (513M)
    Aerial Photo Flight Line Index - Leaf-off (346K)
    Aerial Photo Flight Line Index - Leaf-on (379K)
  • Vegetation Information
  • Project Report ( 11M) (Full Document)
    A Vegetation Report, containing the following items:
    - Photo Interpretation Key
    - Vegetation Descriptions
    - Vegetation Key
    - Photos of Map Classes
    - Accuracy Assessment Methods and Results
  • Field Data
  • Graphic showing location of field sites "frspplots.pdf" (934K)
    Self extracting files containing Spatial Field Plots Data "frspplot.exe" (74k)
    Field Data (MDB) - contains PLOTS data, AA Data and Species List "frspdata.mdb" (6.8M)
    MS Excel format of Physical Descriptive Data for Plots (69k)
    MS Excel format of Species List Data for Plots (446k)
  • Geospatial Vegetation Information
  • Graphic of Vegetation Communities "frspveg.pdf" (2.4M)
    Self extracting files containing Spatial Vegetation Data "frsp.exe" (479k)
    Self extracting files containing Spatial Boundary Data "frspbdy.exe" (171k)
    Plots and AA Photos (4.63M)
  • Accuracy Assessment Information
  • Graphic of Accuracy Assessment Points "frspaa.pdf" (930K)
    Self extracting files containing Spatial AA Points Data "frspaa.exe"(79.9k)
    MS Excel format of Contingency Table "aa_matrix.xls" (33.5k)
  • Project Metadata
  • Accuracy Assessment ( 23K)
    Aerial Photo Mosaic - Leaf-off ( 24K)
    Aerial Photo Mosaic - Leaf-on ( 24K)
    Boundary ( 29K)
    Field Plots ( 23K)
    Spatial Vegetation Data ( 48K)
  • Program Tools
  • Please note: PDF versions of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view them. Users should download a free copy of Acrobat Reader.

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    Page Last Modified: Thursday, 30-Apr-2009 06:10:08 MDT