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Start Your New year with Us
The 50+ Sports & Fitness Program provides opportunities to learn safe, effective and fun ways to exercise. Our goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle and help maintain independence in the later years of life. Through physical fitness the older adult improves their emotional, mental and spiritual health while establishing a fitness level that allows them to lead an independent life.

From Mayor Martin J. Chávez

Dear Friends:
I take great pleasure in presenting the new 2008-2009 50+ Sports & Fitness Catalog to Albuquerque's 50+ and over crowd. Within its pages you will find an impressive selection of activities designed for various fitness levels. The City of Albuquerque/ Bernalillo County Department of Senior Affairs is committed to the health of its citizens.
One of the best ways to maintain good health is prevention through exercise. Research shows that everyone can benefit from a physical fitness program, regardless of age. I urge you to take an active stance in achieving physical health by taking advantage of the numerous programs offered at our state-of-the-art facilities. I am delighted to announce that the grand opening of our latest health and fitness facility has been a huge success. Situated on the west side of Albuquerque, Los Volcanes 50+ Fitness Center serves a large and growing population of mature citizens. Designed with an aerobic room, yoga garden, and strength training area, this center accommodates a variety of fitness preferences. Come join us at the Palo Duro 50+ Sports & Fitness Center, Manzano Mesa Fitness Room, or the Los Volcanes 50+ Fitness Center for equipment orientations led by qualified trainers. Our low impact aerobics classes are also offered at all of the senior centers. For our sports enthusiasts, we also offer everything from the Albuquerque 50+ senior games and winter sports to hiking. Let us make this year our healthiest and most fit ever!

Martin J. Chávez, Mayor

From Blanca Hise, Director, Department of Senior Affairs
Dear Friends:
The dream that started 5 years ago has finally come to fruition. Our wonderful 5000 square foot health & fitness facility on the west side is now open. Our grand opening this summer was a huge success and during the month of July we had nearly 1000 people sign up for, and complete, the orientations offered by our staff.
Let me remind you once again that the $13.00 a year center membership makes you a member of all the Department of Senior Affairs' facilities, and if you have never worked out in a gym before I urge you to visit and book an appointment for a personal orientation. You will be working out in a friendly, non competitive atmosphere with people your own age working towards similar goals. The "Strengthen, Lighten & Tighten," and the "Strengthen, Lighten & Tighten Gently" classes are offered at all the Department of Senior Affairs' Centers. The "Strengthen, Lighten & Tighten Gently" class is additionally offered at the meal sites. These classes are a great way for anyone to start an exercise program. All the fitness classes are designed to work with different levels of strength and ability.On a personal note, I know that when I get in some sort of exercise, whether it is yoga, cardio or weight training, I am going to have a much better day and outlook. So...let's get moving!

Blanca B. Hise, Director, Department of Senior Affairs

From Karen Baker, 50+ Sports and Fitness Manager
Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to introduce to you the two new faces that have joined the 50+ Sports and Fitness Program.
Berlinda Padilla is Health & Fitness Specialist and will be overseeing the fitness section of the 50+ Sports & Fitness Program. Berlinda has worked with the Department of Senior Affairs for over 9 years teaching exercise classes and overseeing the fitness room at Manzano Mesa. She is certified as a group fitness instructor by A.C.E. and as a personal trainer from I.F.T.A. She is also a master trainer for the Enhanced Fitness Program. Berlinda is stationed at Los Volcanes Fitness Center and can be reached at 839-3710.
Susan Rice joined our team in August 2008 and will be coordinating the sports section of the 50+ Sports & Fitness Program. She has an extensive background in managing athletic clubs and running sports competitions. For the last 9 years Susan and her husband ran bicycling tours in Europe.I am looking forward to all the growth, improvements and changes I will be making with the help of my 2 new managers as we work together as a cohesive team. Please contact me with your comments and suggestions regarding the 50+ Sports & Fitness Program at 880-2800 or
Here's to healthy active aging!

Karen Baker, 50+ Sports & Fitness Manager

City of Albuquerque
The 50+ Sports & Fitness Program is operated by the City of Albuquerque, Department of Senior Affairs, Recreation Division; with partial funding from the Area Agency on Aging. The 50+ Program headquarters is located at the Palo Duro Sports & Fitness Center at 3351 Monroe NE. The program designs and implements activities to keep adults, aged 50+, active and healthy.

Martin J. Chávez, Mayor
Ed Adams, Chief Administrative Officer
Irene Garcia, Chief Operations Officer
Anna Lamberson, Chief Financial Officer
Karen Baker, Program Manager, at 505-880-2800 or
Blanca B. Hise, Director, Department of Senior Affairs
April B. Jojola, Recreation Division Manager, Department of Senior Affairs, Advisory Council
President, Joe Armijo, Chairman
Vice President, Victoria Godwin
Kenneth J. Carson, Sr
Robert Barela
Tina King
Susan White
Michelle Lujan Grisham

Dist. 1 Ken Sanchez
Dist. 2 Debbie O'Malley, Vice President
Dist. 3 Isaac Benton
Dist. 4 Brad Winter, President
Dist. 5 Michael J. Cadigan
Dist. 6 Rey Garduño
Dist. 7 Sally Mayer
Dist. 8 Trudy Jones
Dist. 9 Don Harris

Our Vision
To be the community leader, who, in partnership with others, involves seniors in creating and sustaining a community where there is a growing spirit of interdependence that enhances everyone's quality of life.

Our Mission
Provide opportunities that involve and assist seniors to achieve their potential, live in dignity and share their wisdom.
The City of Albuquerque, Department of Senior Affairs, has been serving Albuquerque and Bernalillo County residents for more than thirty years. Through innovative programs and quality services, we have evolved into an exemplary model, dedicated to enriching the lives of seniors.

The services and opportunities listed in this catalog are especially designed for 50+ seniors. Many of our programs have a minimum age requirement of 50 years to participate. Other programs, including Home-Delivered Meals, Transportation, and Care Coordination, which are funded by the Older American's Act, have a minimum age of 60. The Albuquerque 50+ Games are open to those who are age 50, or older, by the first day of the New Mexico State Senior Olympic Games in early August. Some services may request a contribution; however, no one will be denied services for not contributing. If at any time you would like additional information on how to access services, please call Senior Information at 764-6400 or the 50+ Sports & Fitness Program at (505) 880-2800.

Closing Dates
Veteran's Day, Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thanksgiving, Thursday & Friday
November 27 &28, 2008
Christmas, Thursday, December 25, 2008
New Year's Day, Thursday, January 1, 2009
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday
Monday, January 19, 2009
President's Day, Monday, February 16, 2009
Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009
Independence Day, Friday, July 3, 2009
Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 2009

Volunteer Opportunities
Gain the satisfaction of helping others improve their health and fitness level! The 50+ Sports & Fitness Program offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Senior Volunteers are encouraged to join the R.S.V.P. (Retired Senior Volunteer Program), which may offer insurance to and from work, meals and mileage reimbursements to qualified individuals.

Adapted Aquatics
Adapted Aquatics Program volunteers are needed to serve as additional and/or substitute instructors, help distribute equipment, keep track of records and attendance.

Albuquerque 50+ Games
The Albuquerque 50+ Games is looking for volunteers to coordinate or assist in coordinating the 29, 50+ sporting events.

Special Events and Front Desk
Volunteers are also needed to help with special events and work at the front desk at the Palo Duro 50+ Sports & Fitness Center, the Los Volcanes 50+ Fitness Center, the Manzano Mesa Fitness Room. If you are interested call us at 880-2800.

Volunteer drivers are needed to drive the participants to and from different program activities.

Winter Sports
The 50+ Winter Sports Program is looking for volunteers to help lead winter trips. Volunteers are also needed for winter competitions in hockey, snowshoeing, downhill and cross country skiing. If you are interested call us at 880-2800.

Exercise Classes & Assistant Trainers
The 50+ Sports & Fitness Program is looking for volunteers to lead exercise classes. Volunteers are also needed to keep track of attendance reports, and help the instructor with special reports, equipment or projects. Volunteer Assistant Trainers are trained to assist clients in learning how to use the weight training equipment. Call the 50+ Sports & Fitness Office for more information.

Assistant Trainers are needed at these sites:

1. Palo Duro 50+ Sports & Fitness Center
3351 Monroe NE • Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 880-2800

2. Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center Fitness Room
501 Elizabeth SE • Albuquerque, NM 87123
(505) 275-8731

3. North Valley Center Fitness Room
3825 4th Street NW • Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 761-4025

4. Los Volcanes 50+ Sports and Fitness Center
6500 Los Volcanes NW • Suite B
Albuquerque, NM 87121 (505) 839-3710

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