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CloudSat Mission Website
CloudSat Outreach
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University

Welcome to the CloudSat Data Processing Center

CloudSat is a satellite mission designed to measure the vertical structure of clouds from space. The spacecraft will produce detailed images of cloud structures which will contribute to a better understanding of clouds and climate.

We encourage you to find out more about the CloudSat mission and the Data Processing Center by perusing this website. However, some of the data and features on this site are available only to CloudSat project team members.

Click here to visit the main web site for the CloudSat project at Colorado State University. (Note: You will be leaving this site for the main CloudSat website.)

R04 Available to the General Science Community

Release 4 is now available to the General Science Community via the data ordering system. This release includes the 1B-CPR, 2B-GEOPROF, 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR, ECMWF-AUX, MODIS-AUX, and 2B-CLDCLASS products. Please see the annoucement for more information.

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