Ilana Harrus

Ilana Harrus is the Program Scientist for the GLAST, SWIFT and RXTE missions in the NASA HQ Science Mission Directorate. These three missions cover a large range of high-energy phenomena in the Universe and each contributes to our understanding of the Cosmos. With its high-energy range, GLAST, launched in June 2008, is expected to explore black holes physics, cosmic rays origins and could open a new window on the unknown. Since its launch in November 2004, SWIFT has changed our understanding of Gamma-Ray Bursts and has brought new insights in subjects ranging from supernovae to magnetars. In orbit since December 1995, RXTE has timed X-ray variability of black holes and neutrons stars with an unprecedented accuracy.

Ilana was born near Paris (France) where she completed her undergraduate studies in physics and mathematics. She received a PhD in physics from Columbia University (New York) in 1997 and after two years at the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge (MA), started at Goddard Space Flight Center, first under a contract from Universities Space Research Association (USRA) and then from the Johns Hopkins University. She lives in Washington DC with her daughter.