Criteria for The Education Innovator Features

The Education Innovator
Office of Innovation and Improvement
Office of Communications and Outreach

The Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) and the Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO) gather the following information about each program or project featured in The Education Innovator. A featured program or project usually has received a grant from OII, is related to a topic that falls within the content area for which OII is responsible under the No Child Left Behind Act, or is a priority or initiative of special importance to the U.S. Secretary of Education. Each feature is a short study of an innovation that is practiced in one or more locations with promising success, but does not necessarily have evidence of effectiveness from a rigorous evaluation.

  1. The Challenge (what was the problem?)
  2. The Innovation (what was devised to solve the problem?)
  3. The Outcome (what happened as a result of the innovation; what is the student achievement data; if schools are mentioned, have they made adequate yearly progress?)
  4. Evidence of Sustainability/Ability to be Replicated (has the innovation been repeated elsewhere; is any evaluation data available that shows the innovation could be replicated?)
  5. Diverse Stakeholders (who else is involved with the innovation besides the school or district; does the school or district get funding from sources other than the state or the district; are there any partnerships with local businesses or community organizations?)
  6. The Peer Review (has the program received any awards, grants, or recognition from organizations outside the school system?)
  7. Department Connection (has the program received grants from the Office of Innovation and Improvement or the U.S. Department of Education; how is the innovation related to an OII topic or Department priority?)

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Last Modified: 04/06/2007