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Goal 7 - Community & Cultural Engagement

Residents are fully and effectively engaged in the life and decisions of the community to promote and enhance our pride, cultural values, and resources and ensure that Albuquerque’s community institutions are effective, accountable, and responsive. 


DESIRED COMMUNITY CONDITION Local Trend National/ Regional Comparison Citizen Perception Compared to Data CONCLUSION: Opportunity to
41 - Civic participation - Residents actively participate in civic and public affairs. Mixed Similar Mixed Improve
42 - Community engagement - Residents participate in community events, organizations, and activities. Positive Better Matches Celebrate
43 - Well informed residents - Residents have an accurate understanding of community conditions. Positive Not Available Differs Continue to Improve
44 - Foster arts and cultures - Residents appreciate, foster, and respect Albuquerque’s arts and culture. Positive Similar Matches Continue to Improve
45 - Positive cultural relations - Relations among Albuquerque’s cultures and races are positive and respectful. Positive Similar Matches Continue to Improve



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