Press Room

June 29, 2007

Statement by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
on Trade Promotion Authority

Washington, DC--Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. today issued the following statement on the importance of Trade Promotion Authority to the U.S. and global economies:

"America's openness has made our economy the most vibrant and dynamic in the world. To keep our economy strong and competitive, we must continue to push forward on the trade agenda. The 110th Congress has an important opportunity to demonstrate bipartisan leadership and help to strengthen our economy by reauthorizing Trade Promotion Authority.

"Trade fosters the environment of innovation and research that leads to better goods and services at lower prices, which in turn helps Americans provide for their families.

"Members of Congress should move quickly to reauthorize Trade Promotion Authority. Americans benefit from open markets here at home and open markets abroad for our exports. Together with my colleagues in the Administration, we will fight to keep markets open to the benefit of American manufacturers, farmers, and service providers."