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Captain's Welcome

CAPT Sinnett with Command InsigniaWelcome aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle, "America's Tall Ship."

I'm Captain Chris Sinnett, EAGLE's 25th and current Commanding Officer. Thank you for your interest in EAGLE and visiting our site. My shipmates and I are proud of EAGLE and her missions and we enjoy sharing through this web site at least a small part of what makes this ship so special. Here's a little background on just who we are and what we are about.

EAGLE is the largest tall ship flying the Stars and Stripes and the only square-rigger in U.S. government service. A three-masted barque, EAGLE's foremast and mainmast carry square sails and her mizzenmast carries fore-and-aft sails. The ship was built in 1936 in Germany, and commissioned as HORST WESSEL, one of three sail training ships operated by the pre-World War II German Navy. At the close of World War II, HORST WESSEL was taken as a war reparation by the United States, recommissioned as the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle and sailed to New London, Connecticut, our only homeport since.

EAGLE now serves as a seagoing leadership laboratory for future officers of the U.S. Coast Guard, the smallest but arguably the busiest of the U.S. Armed Forces. A seasoned permanent crew of six officers and 55 enlisted personnel maintain the ship and provide a strong base of knowledge and seamanship for the training of up to 150 cadets or officer candidates at a time. Augmented by temporary crew during our year-round training deployments, EAGLE routinely sails with over 230 souls on board. EAGLE offers future officers the opportunity to put into practice the navigation, engineering, and other professional theory they have previously learned in the classroom. More importantly, the challenges of living aboard and working a large square-rigger at sea build the teamwork, character, and leadership skills necessary for success in the Service.

Thank you again for your interest in EAGLE. Please explore the rest of our site and follow the links to learn more about the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

Wishing you the traditional Tall Ship hopes for "Fair Winds and Royals All the Way," I am,


Chris Sinnett, Captain, USCGC EAGLE
CGA History

Running Light

running_lightsIn the maritime world, "running lights" are markers used to help identify a vessel's size, location, and direction. They provide the on-looking or approaching mariner explicit direction to help avoid collision. The CGA "Running Light" is a pocket-sized publication which has been used by the Academy to indoctrinate new Cadets since 1931. It is packed with information needed to succeed while at the Academy and avoid "collisions."
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