Press Room


January 22, 2004

Department of the Treasury to Announce Joint Action with Saudi Arabia in
the Financial War on Terror

Treasury Secretary John Snow today will announce a joint United States action with Saudi Arabia in the financial war on terror.   The announcement will be followed by a briefing by officials from the Department of the Treasury, Department of State and the Saudi Arabian government.  Today’s joint action with Saudi Arabia is another important step in our ongoing war against terrorism and terrorist financing.   The briefing will be an on the record, on camera briefing. 

WHAT:  Announcement and Briefing

WHEN:  11:00 AM EST

WHERE:  Department of the Treasury, Room 4121

WHO:  Statement by Secretary John W. Snow, followed by statements and Q & A with:

Juan Zarate, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime,
Department of the Treasury
Ambassador J. Cofer Black
, Coordinator for Counterterrorism,
Department of State
Tony Wayne, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
Adel Al-Jubeir, Foreign Policy Advisor to Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah 

Today’s announcement and briefing will be webcast live at

Media without Treasury press credentials planning to attend today’s event should contact the Treasury Public Affairs office at 202/622-2960 with the following information: name, social security number and date of birth.  Media with White House press credentials must call to be cleared in to the Treasury Building.