Press Room


January 21, 2004

Media Advisory:
Treasury, OMB and IRS to Launch Second Annual
free file Initiative on Thursday

The Department of Treasury, Office of Management and Budget and Internal Revenue Service will launch the second year of the IRS Free File initiative during a news conference at 1:15 p.m. Thursday, January 22. This initiative allows the majority of Americans to prepare and file taxes online electronically for free.

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, OMB Director Joshua B. Bolten, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson, and Mike Cavanagh, the Executive Director of the Free File Alliance, will re-launch the Free File initiative and give brief remarks.  Terry Lutes, IRS Associate Chief, Information Technology Services, will provide a demonstration of the Free File web site and will brief reporters. The Free File program is the product of a public-private sector pact between the IRS and Free File Alliance, LLC, a consortium of tax software companies.

The event will be featured in a live Webcast available through .

The news conference will be held at the Treasury Department’s press room (Room 4121). The room will be available for camera set up beginning at noon.

Media without Treasury press credentials should contact Treasury's Office of Public Affairs at (202) 622-2960 with the following information: name, Social Security number and date of birth. This information may also be faxed to (202) 622-1999.