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Tornadoes come from the energy released in a thunderstorm. As powerful as they are, tornadoes account for only a tiny fraction of the energy in a thunderstorm. What makes them dangerous is that their energy is concentrated in a small area, perhaps only a hundred yards across. Not all tornadoes are the same, of course, and science does not yet completely understand how part of a thunderstorm's energy sometimes gets focused into something as small as a tornado.

We're not really sure what the highest wind speed might be inside a tornado. Since strong and violent tornadoes destroy weather instruments, we really only have measurements of the winds inside weaker tornadoes. Mobile Doppler radars can measure wind speeds in a tornado above ground level -- and the strongest was 318 mph measured on May 3, 1999 near Bridge Creek/Moore, Oklahoma.

People who study tornadoes are just research meteorologists. You may have heard another term - storm chaser - but that really refers to people who chase tornadoes for a hobby. Research meteorologists do science. They have to come up with questions they think they can answer by taking certain measurements.

We don't have detailed statistics about this. Movement can range from almost stationary to more than 60 mph. A typical tornado travels at around 10-20 miles per hour.

Detailed statistics about the time a tornado is on the ground are not available. This time can range from an instant to several hours. The average is about five minutes.

The movie Twister was based upon work NSSL did in the mid-1980s using a 55-gallon drum outfitted with various meteorological sensors. It was called TOTO (TOtable Tornado Observatory). NSSL tried for several years to put it in the path of an oncoming tornado, but had minimal success. It did not have the sensors that fly up into the tornado, like in the movie. However, that is not a bad idea and with all the advances being made in computer technology, we might be able to do that someday.

Most tornadoes (but not all) in the Northern Hemisphere spin counterclockwise.

Tornado Basics

What is a tornado?

A tornado is a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground. Because wind is invisible, you can't always see a tornado. A visible sign of the tornado, a condensation funnel made up of water droplets, sometimes forms and may or may not touch the ground during the tornado lifecycle. Dust and debris in the rotating column also make a tornado visible and confirm its presence.

What is known?

Tornadoes are the most violent of all atmospheric storms.

There are two types of tornadoes: those that come from a supercell thunderstorm, and those that do not.

Tornadoes that form from a supercell thunderstorm are the most common, and often the most dangerous. A supercell is a long-lived (greater than 1 hour) and highly organized storm feeding off an updraft (a rising current of air) that is tilted and rotating. This rotating updraft - as large as 10 miles in diameter and up to 50,000 feet tall - can be present as much as 20 to 60 minutes before a tornado forms. Scientists call this rotation a mesocyclone when it is detected by Doppler radar. The tornado is a very small extension of this larger rotation. Most large and violent tornadoes come from supercells.

A schematic of a supercell thunderstorm showing the location of the mesocyclone, the updraft and downdrafts, and the steering winds.
larger image

Non-supercell tornadoes are circulations that form without a rotating updraft. One non-supercell tornado is the gustnado, a whirl of dust or debris at or near the ground with no condensation funnel, which forms along the gust front of a storm. Another non-supercell tornado is a landspout. A landspout is a tornado with a narrow, rope-like condensation funnel that forms when the thunderstorm cloud is still growing and there is no rotating updraft - the spinning motion originates near the ground. Waterspouts are similar to landspouts, except they occur over water. Damage from these types of tornadoes tends to be F2 or less.


How do tornadoes form?

Scientists have learned a lot about tornadogenesis from theoretical studies, field projects and physical models – but tornadogenesis – the way tornadoes form – has vexed researchers for decades.

A rotating updraft is a key to the development of a supercell, and eventually a tornado. There are many ideas about how this rotation begins. One way a column of air can begin to rotate is from wind shear – when winds at two different levels above the ground blow at different speeds or in different directions.

An example of wind shear that can eventually create a tornado is when winds at ground level, often slowed down by friction with the earth's surface, come from the southwest at 5 mph. But higher up, at 5000 feet above the same location, the winds are blowing from the southeast at 25 mph! An invisible "tube" of air begins to rotate horizontally. Rising air within the thunderstorm tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical – now the area of rotation extends through much of the storm.

Once the updraft is rotating and being fed by warm, moist air flowing in at ground level, a tornado can form. There are many ideas about this too.


We still have many questions. Scientists know from field studies that perhaps as few as 20 percent of all supercell thunderstorms actually produce tornadoes. Why does one supercell thunderstorm produce a tornado and another nearby storm does not? What are some of the causes of winds moving at different speeds or directions that create the rotation? What are other circulation sources for tornadoes? What is the role of downdrafts (a sinking current of air) and the distribution of temperature and moisture (both horizontally and vertically) in tornadogenesis? Scientists hope to learn more about the processes that create wind shear and rotation, tilt it vertically, and concentrate the rotation into a tornado when they participate in a large field experiment in 2007.

And, since not all tornadoes come from supercells, what about tornadogenesis in non-supercell thunderstorms?

A non-supercell tornado does not form from organized storm-scale rotation. These tornadoes form from a vertically spinning parcel of air already occurring near the ground, about 1-10 km in diameter, that is caused by wind shear from a warm, cold, or sea breeze front, or a dryline. When an updraft moves over the spinning, and stretches it, a tornado can form. Eastern Colorado experiences non-supercell tornadoes when cool air rushes down off the Rocky Mountains and collides with the hot dry air of the plains. Since these types of tornadoes happen mostly over scarcely populated land, scientists are not sure how strong they are, but they tend to be small. Waterspouts and gustnadoes are formed in this way too.


NSSL scientists are working to understand the origins of tornadoes in thunderstorms through the use of theory. The research focuses on understanding how the local environment around the storm and internal processes within the storm produce tornadoes. New insight into these processes can then be incorporated into NSSL's warning decision technologies to help improve warnings for tornadoes and severe storms.

Field Observations
NSSL scientists go into the field to look for specific processes in storms, like observing how tornadoes form, and to test theories and hypotheses. The recent VORTEX2 field experiment is the largest and most ambitious field experiment in history to explore the origin, structure and evolution of tornadoes.

Storm modeling
Analysis of detailed data sets collected during storm intercept projects provides invaluable knowledge of storm dynamics. This information helps provide a coherent picture of storm structure that can be used in modeling tornadoes and tornado features. The COMMAS model, co-developed by an NSSL researcher can simulate a three-dimensional supercell thunderstorm.