Press Room

May 5, 2006

Statement of U.S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral
On the April Employment Report

"Today's economic data notes that during the past three months the Hispanic unemployment rate has hit a record low.  This great news lends further credit to the President's pro-growth policies that have created millions of jobs and greatly increased the level of economic independence and homeownership for all Americans.

"Since the President's tax relief took effect we've had 32 straight months of job growth, totaling more than 5.2 million new jobs.  The Conference Board Index of Consumer Confidence increased to its highest level in almost four years.  With GDP growing at a strong 4.8 percent annual rate in the first quarter of this year, there is no doubt that the combination of the President's leadership and good fiscal policies have rendered the American economy the most adaptive and resilient in the world."