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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Children's Bureau
Child and Family Services Reviews
Summary of Key Findings
Fiscal Year 2002

The Children's Bureau and the Administration for Children and Families administer the State child and family services reviews. The reviews assess State performance during a specified period of time with respect to seven child welfare outcomes in the areas of safety, permanency, and well-being, and with respect to seven systemic factors.

Each of the seven outcomes is comprised of individual practices (referred to in the reviews as items), which are determined by the reviewers to be either strengths, areas needing improvement, or not applicable. In the attached chart, each of the practices reviewed is noted and marked with a "X" if it was found to be a strength for the State.

Based on the findings relating to these practices, the State is determined to be in substantial conformity, partial conformity, or not in conformity with each of the seven outcomes and seven systemic factors. In the attached chart, if the State was found to be in substantial conformity with the outcome or systemic factor under review, an "S" is marked in the first column beneath that outcome or factor.

With respect to the Federal fiscal year 2002 reviews, please note the following:

  • The findings from the Michigan and Wyoming reviews are based on draft reports. The final reports have not yet been issued by the Children's Bureau.

  • Under Permanency Outcome 1, the practice referred to as "Reunification, Guardianship, or Permanent Placement With Relatives" (item 8), was modified following the completion of the fiscal year 2001 reviews. In those reviews, the focus of this item was on the provision of independent living services by the State. The findings related to item 8 in this report, therefore, should not be compared to the findings for item 8 in 2001.

Further explanation of each individual practice, outcome, and systemic factor is available in the Child and Family Services Review Onsite Review Instrument and Instructions, which is posted on the Children's Bureau Web site at:



Children's Bureau
Fiscal Year 2002 Child and Family Services Reviews
Summary of Key Findings
The Children's Bureau and the Administration for Children and Families administer the State child and family services reviews. The reviews comprise two phases: (1) the Statewide Assessment, during which the State analyzes its child welfare data and practice, and (2) the onsite review, during which Federal and State teams examine outcomes for children and families by assessing child welfare practices, and assess State systemic issues through stakeholder interviews. The following chart provides a summary of the findings from the final reports of the reviews conducted in Fiscal Year (FY) 2002. An "S" indicates that the State obtained substantial conformity with the outcome or systemic factor under review. A "X" indicates that the practice under review was found to be a strength for the State.
I. States' Conformance on Safety Outcomes
States Outcome 1: Children are first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect. Outcome 2: Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate.
Substantial Conformity With Outcome Timely Investigation of Reports of Child Maltreatment Prevention of Repeat Maltreatment of Children Substantial Conformity With Outcome Maintaining Child(ren) Safely in Their Homes Reducing Risk of Harm to Children
Alabama S blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Alaska blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
California blank cell X blank cell blank cell X X
Colorado blank cell blank cell X blank cell X X
Connecticut blank cell X blank cell blank cell X X
Michigan blank cell blank cell X blank cell X blank cell
Montana blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Nebraska blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X X
Ohio blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X X
Oklahoma blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Pennsylvania S blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Tennessee blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Texas blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell
West Virginia blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Wyoming blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell

II. States' Conformance on Permanency Outcomes
States Outcome 1: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations.
Substantial Conformity With Outcome Preventing Foster Care Re-Entries Providing Stable Placements for Children in Foster Care Establishing Appropriate Permanency Goals for Children Achieving Permanency Through Reunification, Guardianship, or Permanent Placement With Relatives1 Achieving Adoption Achieving Permanency Goal of Other Planned Permanent Living Arrangement
Alabama blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Alaska blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
California blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Colorado blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell
Connecticut blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Michigan blank cell X blank cell X blank cell X X
Montana blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Nebraska blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Ohio blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell X
Oklahoma blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell X
Pennsylvania blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Tennessee blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Texas blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X
West Virginia blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell
Wyoming blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell

1 Please note that this review item was revised for the FY 2002 reviews and additional clarifying language was added for the FY 2003 reviews. In 2001, this item focused on independent living services. back

II. State's Conformance on Permanency Outcomes (Continued)
States Outcome 2: The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children.
Substantial Conformity With Outcome Placing Children in Close Proximity to Their Families Placing Children With Their Siblings Facilitating Visitation of Children in Care With Parents and Siblings Preserving Connections Placing Children With Relatives Supporting the Relationship of Children in Care With Parents
Alabama blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Alaska blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
California blank cell X X X blank cell X X
Colorado blank cell X X blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Connecticut blank cell X X blank cell X blank cell X
Michigan blank cell X blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell
Montana blank cell X X blank cell X blank cell blank cell
Nebraska blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Ohio blank cell X X X blank cell blank cell X
Oklahoma blank cell X X X blank cell blank cell X
Pennsylvania blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Tennessee blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Texas S X blank cell X blank cell X X
West Virginia blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Wyoming blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
III. States' Conformance on Child and Family Well-Being Outcomes
States Outcome 1: Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children's needs. Outcome 2: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs. Outcome 3: Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mental health needs.
Substantial Conformity With Outcome Providing Services to Children, Parents, Foster Parents Involving Children and Parents in Case Planning Visiting With Children Frequently Visiting With Parents Frequently Substantial Conformity With Outcome Meeting Educational Needs of Children Substantial Conformity With Outcome Meeting Physical Health Needs of Children Meeting Mental Health Needs of Children
Alabama blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Alaska blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
California blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Colorado blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell S X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Connecticut blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell S X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Michigan blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Montana blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell S X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Nebraska blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Ohio blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Oklahoma blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Pennsylvania blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Tennessee blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Texas blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
West Virginia blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Wyoming blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
IV. States' Conformance on the Systemic Factors
States Statewide Information System Case Review System
Substantial Conformity With Factor Automated Information System2 Substantial Conformity With Factor Written Case Plans3 Frequent Court Reviews of Case Status4 Frequent Permanency Hearings5 Timely Termination of Parental Rights6 Caretaker and Parent Notification of Hearings7
Alabama S X blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell X
Alaska S X blank cell blank cell X blank cell X blank cell
California S X blank cell blank cell X X blank cell X
Colorado S X blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell X
Connecticut blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Michigan S X blank cell blank cell X blank cell X blank cell
Montana S X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X X
Nebraska S X blank cell blank cell X X blank cell blank cell
Ohio S X blank cell blank cell X blank cell X X
Oklahoma S X blank cell blank cell X blank cell X blank cell
Pennsylvania S X blank cell blank cell X X blank cell X
Tennessee S X blank cell blank cel X X blank cel blank cell
Texas S X S blank cell X X X X
West Virginia S X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X blank cell
Wyoming S X lank cell blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell

2 The statewide automated information system can determine the status, demographics, location, and goals for all children in foster care. back
3 Children in foster care have written case plans and children and parents are consistently involved in case planning. back
4 The status of each child is reviewed in court at least every six months. back
5 Permanency hearings are held for children in foster care within 12 months of entry into care. back
6 Termination of parental rights proceedings occur within the timeframes specified in the Adoption and Safe Families Act. back
7 Foster parents, pre-adoptive parents, and relative caretakers of children in foster care are routinely notified of and given an opportunity to participate in hearings for children. back

IV. States' Conformance on the Systemic Factors (Continued)
States Quality Assurance System Training
Substantial Conformity With Factor Quality Standards8 Quality Assurance System9 Substantial Conformity With Factor Staff Development and Training Program10 Ongoing Staff Training11 Training for Foster and Adoptive Parents12
Alabama S X X S X X X
Alaska blank cell X blank cell S X X blank cell
California blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell
Colorado S X X S X X blank cell
Connecticut S X X S X X X
Michigan S X X S X X X
Montana blank cell blank cell blank cell S X X X
Nebraska blank cell blank cell blank cell S X blank cell X
Ohio S X X S X X X
Oklahoma S X X S X X X
Pennsylvania S X X S X X X
Tennessee S X X blank cell blank cell blank cell X
Texas S X X S X X X
West Virginia S X X S X blank cell X
Wyoming S X blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell X

8 Standards have been implemented to ensure that children in foster care are provided with quality services to address their needs. back
9 The State operates an identifiable quality assurance system that has the capacity to monitor the quality of services, identify strengths and needs of the service delivery system, provide reports, and evaluate program improvement measures. back
10 The State operates a staff development and training program. back
11 The State provides ongoing training addressing the skills and knowledge needed for staff to perform their duties. back
12 The State provides training for current and prospective foster and adoptive parents and staff of State-licensed facilities that care for children in foster care. back

IV. States' Conformance on the Systemic Factors (Continued)
States Service Array Agency Responsiveness to the Community
Substantial Conformity With Factor Array of Services for Children and Families13 Services Are Accessible Throughout the State14 Services are Individualized For Unique Needs15 Substantial Conformity With Factor Consultation With Stakeholders16 Joint Development of Progress Reports17 Coordination of Services With Federal Programs18
Alabama S X X X S X X X
Alaska blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell S X blank cell X
California blank cell X blank cell blank cell S X X blank cell
Colorado S X blank cell X S X X X
Connecticut S X blank cell X blank cell blank cell blank cell X
Michigan S X X blank cell S X X X
Montana S X blank cell X S X X X
Nebraska blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell S X X X
Ohio S X blank cell X S X X X
Oklahoma blank cell X blank cell blank cell S X X X
Pennsylvania S X X X S X X X
Tennessee blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cel S X blank cel X
Texas S X blank cell X S X X X
West Virginia S X blank cell X S X X X
Wyoming blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell S X X X

13 The State offers an array of services to meet the needs of children and families. back
14 Services are accessible to families and children in all locations of the State. back
15 Services offered are individualized to the unique needs of children and families. back
16 The State engages in ongoing consultation with consumers, service providers, courts, and other stakeholders. back
17 The State jointly develops with its stakeholders annual reports of progress. back
18 The State's services are coordinated with services or benefits of other Federal programs servicing the same population. back

IV. States' Conformance on the Systemic Factors (Continued)
States Foster and Adoptive Parent Licensing, Recruitment, and Retention States
Substantial Conformity With Factor Standards for Foster and Adoptive Families19 Uniform Application of Standards20 Criminal Clearances for Foster and Adoptive Families21 Recruitment of Diverse Foster and Adoptive Families22 Utilization of Cross-Jurisdictional Resources23
Alabama S X X X X X
Alaska blank cell X blank cell X blank cell X
California blank cell X blank cell X blank cell X
Colorado S X blank cell X X X
Connecticut S X X X blank cell X
Michigan S X X X X X
Montana S X X X X X
Nebraska blank cell X X blank cell blank cell blank cell
Ohio S X X X blank cell X
Oklahoma S X X X X X
Pennsylvania S X X X X X
Tennessee S X X X blank cell X
Texas S X X X blank cell X
West Virginia S X blank cell X blank cell X
Wyoming S X X X blank cell X

19 The State has implemented standards for foster and adoptive family homes and child care institutions. back
20 State standards for foster and adoptive family homes are applied uniformly. back
21 The State conducts criminal clearances for foster care and adoptive families and operates a case planning process that includes provisions for ensuring children's safety. back
22 The State diligently recruits foster and adoptive families that reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of the children for whom homes are needed. back
23 The State utilizes cross-jurisdictional resources to facilitate timely adoptive or permanent placements for children. back