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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Appendix A: Guide - Overview Section

The Overview Section describes the general characteristics of the SACWIS system, including its objectives, applications, and architecture. It provides general identifying information that will help other States and ACF understand the overall size, cost, and programmatic functionality of the system. See Chapter 3 of the SACWIS Assessment Review Guide for instructions on how to complete this section of the Guide.

A. I: General Information

  1. SACWIS System for the State of:

  2. Name & Acronym of System:

  3. How many project staff (business, technical, and contractor) are needed to operate, update, and maintain the implemented system?

    1. What are their functional titles (e.g., programmer, LAN administrator, program specialist, caseworker, etc.)?

    2. What is the estimated yearly cost to operate, update, and maintain the new system (personnel & infrastructure)?

  4. Number of on-line users:

  5. Identify the non-State agency staff that utilize the system and the functions that they perform. State agency staff include State, County and local employees that use the system for SACWIS specific activities.

  6. Identify (check or list) the programs/services supported by the system:

    Foster Care   Adoption  
    Child and Family Services   Child Care  
    Adult Protective Services   Child Protective Services  
    Juvenile Justice   Independent Living  
    Interstate Compact   Family Preservation and Support  
    Provider Services   Other (list):  

  7. What training does staff receive regarding the use of the system?

  8. What format and medium will the State use to make the application software and related documentation available to other States?

  9. Does the system share a common database with other systems? YES Box NO Box

    If Yes -

    1. To what extent does the system share a common database?

    2. With which agencies/programs does the system share a common database?

  10. Primary SACWIS Point-of-Contact and Phone Number:

  11. Expected date of SACWIS implementation, i.e., date system will go into live production:
        Start Date:
        End Date:

A. II: Technical Information

  1. Was this a transfer system? YES Box NO Box

    If Yes -

    1. Which State's system was used as the transfer model?

    2. Estimated percent of transfer system code that was re-used:

  2. Please provide a brief description of the system architecture and hardware (please cross-reference your description to a system diagram):

  3. Identify the software products used for the application, network, and on the desktop:


  4. Describe the technical and procedural practices the State uses to prevent unauthorized release of the information recorded in the system.

A. III: Contractor Information

1. Planning Phase Contractor(s):  
2. Implementation Phase Contractor(s):  
3. Operational Phase Contractor(s):  
4. Other Contractors (QA, Acceptance Testing, etc.):  

A. IV: Financial Information

For Planning, Design, Development and Implementation

1. Total Contractor Costs  
2. Total Hardware Costs  
3. Total State Personnel Costs  
4. Other (If Applicable)  
5. Total Development Costs (ALL COSTS)
The total should match the approved APD.

A. V: Confidentiality

  1. Does staff receive periodic training regarding client confidentiality, privacy, and individual rights?
    YES Box NO Box

    If Yes - How often?

  2. How are clients notified of their privacy rights?

  3. Does the system allow the State to "seal" information?

  4. What is the process for expunging information on unsubstantiated allegations?

  5. Can the alleged victim and/or perpetrator request that the State "seal" or purge unsubstantiated information?

A. VI: Lessons Learned

Describe any "lessons learned" from the project that might be helpful to other States. For example, consider what advice the State might offer with regard to conversion, training, implementation, field involvement, cultural change, change management, pilot, application support, enhancements, policy and procedures, development approach (transfer or ground-up), contractor support, and advantages or disadvantages of the State's selected approach.

A. VII: Enclosures

The following information, which will be cross-referenced to the State's responses in the Process Section of this Guide (Appendix B), should be provided. If the requested information or documentation is not currently available, the State project staff should discuss this with the Federal Review Team Leader. Alternative documents that provide similar information may be provided.

  • System diagrams (both the technical architecture and elementary processes performed by the system)
  • An Organizational Chart
  • Current user manual
  • Training manual and materials
  • Data element dictionary
  • Numbered list of system screen prints
  • Numbered list of system alerts/ticklers (with a brief description of the alerts/ticklers)
  • Numbered list of system notices (with a brief description of the notices)
  • Numbered list of reports (including management and financial)
  • Planned schedule for submitting NCANDS Detailed Case Data Component (DCDC) data (If the State's Child Abuse & Neglect system is included within the SACWIS)
  • Copies of SACWIS reports used to complete the Federal IV-E 1 report (formerly IV-E 12)
  • Other cross-reference material the State may wish to provide

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