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CAMEO: Downloading, Installing, and Running MARPLOT

MARPLOT 4.1 is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista.  Macintosh users click here.

Existing MARPLOT users:

  • MARPLOT 4.x users:  Download and run the MARPLOT 4.1 upgrade tool (EXE, 20 MB) to install the new fixes to your program. You won’t have to reload any of your data or layers. 

  • MARPLOT 3.x users:  If you're using a version of MARPLOT prior to version 4.0, you should follow the guide for updating to MARPLOT 4.x from a 3.x version of MARPLOT.  (The instructions are written for updating to version 4.0, but they are the same for all 4.0.x versions of MARPLOT.) To retain your current MARPLOT maps and data, please read this document before installing MARPLOT 4.1.

Downloading MARPLOT version 4.1

(The installer file includes the MARPLOT program plus national basemap layers.)

MARPLOT version 4.1 comes with an extensive set of context-sensitive help screens, rather than a separate manual.

For technical information about file formats and import/export, download:
MARPLOT Technical Documentation (PDF) (56 pp, 281K)


If you have a pre-4.0 version of MARPLOT:

Remember to download and read  the guide for updating to MARPLOT 4.x from a 3.x version.

Once you have downloaded the installation program, double-click the MARPLOT application file, then follow the directions you'll see on your screen.


To start MARPLOT, open the Start menu, then point to Programs, and then click MARPLOT.

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