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[HealthLiteracy 389] Re: Patient School

Lora Myers

lmyers at
Tue Sep 5 11:14:57 EDT 2006


As I mentioned on the listserve, we (the Adult Literacy Media Alliance, aka
ALMA) and five New York hospitals have been piloting a program to teach
health literacy skills to patients in non-acute waiting rooms and clinics
across New York City. I don¹t know if that¹s the ³patient school² you have
in mind, but we would be happy to arrange for you to observe the program at
New York Methodist in Brooklyn, if you wish.

This is what I posted last week:

The New York City-based Adult Literacy Media Alliance (ALMA) produces video,
print, and web-based educational materials for adults with low levels of
literacy and an educational series on public television, TV411, that embeds
reading, writing, math and health literacy lessons in comedic and
documentary formats. ALMA is just now completing its pilot year of TV411
HEALTH SMARTS WHILE YOU WAIT, a low-cost, volunteer-based program that
provides one-semester internships for students in graduate and undergraduate
health professions to teach basic health literacy (reading labels, keeping
health journals, understanding medication measurements, formulating
questions for their doctor, and more) to patients in non-acute waiting areas
using ALMA's multimedia health literacy materials in English and Spanish.

Initial results from an independent evaluator suggest that the Health Smarts
interventions are helping patients read and understand health-related terms
and key components of over-the-counter and prescription drug labels. Five
New York hospitals participated in the pilot; of these, four plan to
continue the program at their institutions (the fifth hired its two interns
to work as patient educators). This fall ALMA is expanding the program to
two other hospitals in New York City and environs.

For more information on TV411 Health Smarts While You Wait, you can contact
ALMA's Executive Director, Alex Quinn, at AQuinn at, or Curriculum
Director Lora Myers, at lmyers at You can also visit ALMA's website,, for more information about our work.


Lora Myers, Curriculum Director
Adult Literacy Media Alliance (ALMA)
Visit our website:

On 9/1/06 3:33 PM, "lisa jones" <lisamjones44 at> wrote:


> Does anyone know of any other hospitals or health care systems that are

> offering "Patient Schools" where they teach patients what they need to

> navigate the medical system and advocate for themselves and family members?


> Thanks,


> Lisa Jones, MD


> ABC News










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