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[HealthLiteracy 304] Re: health literacy lesson plans

Julie McKinney

julie_mcKinney at
Mon Jul 24 13:11:02 EDT 2006


Here some resources for finding Health curricula for adult literacy.
Good luck with the project!

All the best,

Family Health and Literacy
See the chapter on Curricula, Lessons and Activities

The Health & Literacy Special Collection
Go to Teacher Resources and Lessons/Curricula

SABES Health page

The Virginia Health Literacy Toolkit


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

>>> LShort at 07/21/06 3:15 PM >>>


My name is Leslie Short and I am an intern at the Office of the Mayor,
NYC and we are currently working on a health literacy and language
access project. We are trying to build partnerships throughout the city
specifically with facilities and organizations that work with ABE and
ESOL students. One of our objectives is to locate materials that are
already in existence, gather what is available and use it to create a
type of lesson catalogue that we can have on hand to refer back to. We
are also trying to understand how to evaluate lesson plans to determine
what makes them good or bad. I have been searching the internet and
trying to find, as well as become familiar with, curriculum, lesson
plans and other resources that are out there. I am wondering if anyone
has curricula or lesson plans they would be willing to share or
suggestions of good websites where I could access such information.
Also, ideas or documents that discuss evaluating lesson plans would be

Thank you,

Leslie Short

Office Of The Mayor, NYC

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