Homeright arrowAbout NHGRIright arrowAbout the Office of the Directorright arrowOffice of Population Genomicsright arrowOPG: Research Programs right arrowThe Genes and Environment Initiative (GEI)

The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (GEI)

The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (GEI) was announced in February 2006 to support research that will lead to the understanding of genetic contributions and gene-environment interactions in common disease. GEI is being planned by an NIH-wide Coordinating Committee, administratively led by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

Implementation of GEI began with a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) component that comprises three elements:

  1. Genotyping facilities to perform high-throughput genotyping for GWA studies over four years. (RFA HG-06-014 [grants1.nih.gov])

  2. A Coordinating Center (CC) to provide analytic support, data quality assessment and quality control, and logistical management of the GWA program. (RFA HG-06-032 [grants1.nih.gov])

  3. Investigative groups to submit samples from well-characterized subjects for GWA genotyping and/or replication studies, and to analyze the resulting data. (RFA HG-07-012 [grants.nih.gov])

  4. The GWA component of GEI is being administratively led by NHGRI on behalf of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Curated data will be made available through a controlled-access process in a central database established by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) for research use (db Gap).

    More information about the awards made in 2007 may be found in: Genes, Environment and Health Initiative Invests in Genetic Studies, Environmental Monitoring Technologies.

One of the initial decisions of the NIH-wide Coordinating Committee was that that the genetic component of GEI should not be limited only to the collection of GWA genotype data. In this way, the GEI genetics component differs from the Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN). Support for data analysis, replication and fine mapping studies, sequencing, functional studies, database development and clinical translation are all included within GEI.

Other aspects of GEI that have been implemented include:


GEI Coordinating Committee Co-chairs:

GEI Genetic Subcommittee Working Groups

  • Genome Wide Association Genotyping
  • Data Analysis
    • Thomas Lehner, NIMH (Chair)
      Lisa Brooks, NHGRI (Co-chair)

  • Replication & Fine Mapping
  • Sequencing
  • Functional Studies
    • Joni Rutter, NIDA (Chair)
      Danilo Tagle, NINDS (Co-chair)

  • Translational Research
  • Database
    • Steve Sherry, NLM/NCBI (Chair)
      Jim Ostell, NLM/NCBI (Co-chair)

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Last Updated: August 12, 2009

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See Also:

Two NIH Initiatives Launch Intensive Efforts to Determine Genetic and Environmental Roots of Common Diseases
Press Release
February 8, 2006

On Other Sites
The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative
On the NIH Web site