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Employee of the Month


Nominate an ABQ RIDE staff member for Employee of the Month

Our customers are the ones that see our drivers, security guards, customer service representatives and other employees doing their jobs. If you have a good experience with one of our employees, please take a few moments to nominate them for Employee of the Month.

In your nomination we will need to know:

  • The name of the ABQ RIDE employee
  • Why they should be considered for Employee of the Month
  • Your contact information, in case we have any questions

Email Your Employee of the Month Nomination

The Employee of the Month

April 2008 - Brenda de la Cruz

May 2008 - Bill Rumshik

June 2008 - Michael Carmona

July 2008 - Steve Ortega

August 2008 - Daniel Davis

September 2008 - Maria Griego

October 2008 - Frank Martinez

November 2008 - Daniel Benavidez

December 2008 - Pam Ulibarri

January 2009 - David Castaneda

February 2009 - Patrick Gurule

March 2009 - Amanda Trujillo

April 2009 - Edwin Winger

May 2009 - Michael Toya

June 2009 - Diane Perez

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