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[HealthLiteracy 198] Multilingual web-based health information


magillispie at
Fri Jun 9 14:24:07 EDT 2006

There are new materials available from Healthy Roads Media . Most materials are in four different
formats (written, audio, multimedia and web-based video) and all
except the web-based video can be downloaded so they are accessible
for use off line. Everything is free. Some of the new topics include
mammogram (English, Russian and Spanish with Somali under
development), dealing with pain ((English and Spanish with Somali and
Spanish under development) and a set of Vietnamese language heart
health topics (exercise, blood pressure and salt intake). A list of
all the topics and formats currently available can be found at
As usual, any comments or ideas for other materials are welcome.

- Mary Alice

Mary Alice Gillispie, MD
Healthy Roads Media, Director

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