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Recent Selected Lectures and Media Appearances

July 20, 2009 Videocast: Dr. Fauci's lecture at the 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Cape Town, South Africa, "U.S. Supported HIV/AIDS Research on Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention: Science and Policy"
July 18, 2009 Dr. Fauci's presentation at the TB/HIV at IAS 2009 Conference, Cape Town, South Africa,"Research on TB and HIV/AIDS: Progress and Challenges"
July 9, 2009 Video: Dr. Fauci's remarks at 2009 Flu Summit, NIH, Bethesda, MD (remarks begin at 22:08)
June 30, 2009 Videocast: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Harvey Fineberg featured in Washington, D.C. briefing - "Learning to Live in a World with the H1N1 Pandemic"
June 17, 2009 Dr. Fauci's lecture at the 2009 Pacific Health Summit: "Tuberculosis: State of the Science and the NIH Research Agenda"
May 27, 2009 Video: Dr. Fauci discusses 2009 H1N1 influenza and HIV/AIDS at Aspen Institute roundtable
May, 2009 NIH video: Dr. Fauci discusses influenza and the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus
May 8, 2009 Videocast: Dr. Fauci's lecture at International AIDS Society-USA Conference on Improving the Management of HIV Disease: "Early Events in HIV Infection: Implications for Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention"
May 2009 Video: Dr. Fauci discusses AIDS vaccine development with IAVI Report, a publication of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
May 6, 2009 Dr. Fauci discusses outbreaks of 2009 H1N1 influenza on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
May 1, 2009 Dr. Fauci discusses outbreaks of 2009 H1N1 influenza on NPR's Talk of the Nation Science Friday
April 27, 2009 Dr. Fauci discusses outbreaks of 2009 H1N1 influenza on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
March 30, 2009 Slides and audio from Dr. Fauci's lecture at the 43rd National Immunization Conference: Vaccinology in the 21st Century: Classical Approaches and New Paradigms
February, 2009 Video: Dr. Fauci discusses scientific leadership on
Jan. 27, 2009 Videocast: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Henry Masur present NIH "Demystifying Medicine" lecture: HIV: The epidemic persists globally and locally
Dec. 30, 2008 Video: Dr. Fauci participates in "A Conversation About AIDS" on The Charlie Rose Show
Fall 2008 Seven short video interviews with Dr. Fauci by the Global Strategy Institute, on HIV/AIDS, global health, biodefense, and wise words for college students
November 27, 2008 HIV Insite interview with Dr. Fauci for World AIDS Day 2008
November 5, 2008 Slides from Dr. Fauci's keynote address at Institute of Medicine workshop on drug-resistant tuberculosis: "The Research Path to Tuberculosis Control: An NIH Perspective"
October 14, 2008 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at AIDS Vaccine 2008, Cape Town, South Africa: "HIV Vaccines: Science and Policy"
September 9, 2008 Webcast: Dr. Fauci's lecture at Georgetown Law School, "Global Health and Infectious Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities"
August 20, 2008 Audio: Bacteria Fingered As Killer In 1918 Flu Pandemic (Dr. Fauci interviewed by NPR's Morning Edition)
August 12, 2008 Webcast: The AIDS Era: A Historical Perspective (lecture at the Aspen Institute)
August 7, 2008 Tony Fauci Lends Support to Focus on Cure (Coverage of Dr. Fauci's Mexico City lecture, from Project Inform)
August 6, 2008 Video: Dr. Fauci's lecture at the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City: "Looking to the Future: New Directions in HIV/AIDS Research"
August 5, 2008 Blog: Dr. Fauci discusses prospects for an HIV cure and vaccine (from
July 25, 2008 Audio: NIH Postpones Test Of Experimental AIDS Vaccine (Interview with Dr. Fauci on NPR's Talk of the Nation Science Friday)
July 15, 2008 Video: Dr. Fauci discusses scientific/technological advances in HIV therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines at CSIS Conference on HIV/AIDS (Dr. Fauci's lecture begins at 1:44:12)
July 3, 2008 Video: Dr. Fauci's lecture at the 2008 Aspen Ideas Festival -- HIV/AIDS in 2025: Will We Have a Vaccine and a Cure by Then?
June 12, 2008 Audio and transcript: The Body interviews Dr. Fauci on 25 Years of HIV
June 10, 2008 Webcast and text: Dr. Fauci's address at the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS
Coverage of Dr. Fauci's address in the NIH Record
April 14, 2008 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses emerging infectious disease threats on Justice Talking (public radio show)
March 25, 2008 Video: NIAID Summit on HIV Vaccine Development (Dr. Fauci presents opening and closing remarks)
March 24, 2008 Audio and slides accompanying Dr. Fauci's presentation, "The U.S. Commitment to Global Health: The Research Path" at the first meeting of the Institute of Medicine Committee on the U.S. Commitment to Global Health
Feb. 12, 2008 UCSF Today: NIAID Director Anthony Fauci Gives Merle Sande Memorial Lecture
Jan. 25, 2008 Video, slides and transcript: Dr. Fauci's lecture at the Health Action 2008 Conference, "Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge to Global Health" (Dr. Fauci's lecture begins at 45:00)
Jan., 2008 Video: Dr. Fauci addresses 24 topics on "Big Think"
Jan., 2008 Interview with Dr. Fauci in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery on product development for HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases
Dec. 11, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses new human cases of H5N1 influenza in China with WTOP
Dec. 10, 2007 Webcast: Dr. Fauci's opening remarks at FDA/NIH/WHO Public Workshop—Immune Correlates of Protection Against Influenza A Viruses in Support of Pandemic Vaccine Development. Dr. Fauci's remarks begin at 14:15.
Nov. 30, 2007 Audio: Institute of Medicine (IOM) Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation Discussion Series—A Conversation with Tony Fauci
Nov. 30, 2007 CNN interview with Dr. Fauci for World AIDS Day, 2007
Nov. 29, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses HIV-related issues with Wisconsin Public Radio
Nov. 27, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses HIV/AIDS-related issues, including new reports from Washington, D.C., and UNAIDS (From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show)
Nov. 16, 2007 Dr. Fauci and other senior HHS leaders discuss HIV/AIDS-related issues in an HHS World AIDS Day webcast. (From
Oct. 18, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus with WTOP radio
Oct. 5, 2007 Webcast: Mary Robinson and Dr. Fauci discuss "HIV and the World" at the 2007 Aspen Health Forum
Sept. 27, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci and other Lasker Award winners interviewed by Leonard Lopate of WNYC
Sept., 2007 Webcast: Six videos related to Dr. Fauci's receipt of the Mary Woodard Lasker Award for Public Service
July 31, 2007 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's talk, "National Institutes of Health's CBRN Medical Countermeasure Activities," delivered at the HHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures (PHEMC) Enterprise Stakeholders Workshop. Dr. Fauci's talk begins at 2:19:53.
Slides accompanying Dr. Fauci's presentation. (PDF)
July 23, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses the HIV/AIDS pandemic with ABC Radio (Australia)
July 22, 2007 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture, "HIV/AIDS in 2007: Much Accomplished, Much to Do," presented at the 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Sydney, Australia
July 6, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses emerging diseases at Aspen Ideas Festival
June 1, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses the problem of antimicrobial resistance ("How Common are Drug-Resistant Diseases?" from NPR's Morning Edition)
May 25, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses HIV vaccine development ("Non-Perfect HIV Vaccine Could Still Have Major Benefits," from Audio Medica)
May 19, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses HIV vaccine development ("Search for an HIV Vaccine Expands," from NPR's All Things Considered)
May 8, 2007 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture, "HIV/AIDS in 2007: A Brief Overview." Presented at NIH conference, "Drug Abuse and Risky Behaviors: The Evolving Dynamics of HIV AIDS." Dr. Fauci's lecture begins at 0:4:00.
May 4, 2007 Audio/transcript: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Peggy Johnston discuss HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. Audio begins at 11:58 (From NIH Research Radio).
April 20, 2007 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses his receipt of the Kober Medal and the challenge of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (From Federal News Radio)
Feb. 23, 2007 Webcast: Dr. Fauci pays tribute to former NIAID Director Richard M. Krause, M.D., at Scientific Symposium in Honor of Dr. Krause
Jan. 16, 2007 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture presented as part of NIH "Demystifying Medicine" series: "Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge to Global Health"
Nov. 29, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at Washington, D.C., conference on Opportunities for Improving HIV Diagnosis, Prevention and Access to Care in the United States: "The Pathogenesis of HIV Diseases: Opportunities for New Prevention Interventions"
Oct. 27, 2006 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses seasonal and pandemic influenza preparedness (From NPR's Talk of the Nation Science Friday)
Sept. 25, 2006 Audio: Dr. Fauci's lecture on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases at the Commonwealth Club (San Francisco, CA)
Sept. 13, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at NIH Clinical Center Grand Rounds/Great Teachers Lecture Series: "Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge"
Aug. 29, 2006 Slides from Dr. Fauci's lecture at the AIDS Vaccine 2006 Conference in Amsterdam: "An HIV Vaccine: Will It Ever Fit the Classical Paradigm?"
Aug. 17, 2006 Audio: Dr. Fauci discusses HIV/AIDS and the XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto (From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show)
Aug. 16, 2006 Webcast/transcript of Dr. Fauci's lecture at the XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto: 25 Years of AIDS—Reflecting Back and Looking Forward: The Science Response.
Slides accompanying Dr. Fauci's lecture (PDF)
June, 2006 An interview with Tony Fauci: 25 Years of AIDS (From IAVI Report)
June 5, 2006 Interview with Boston Globe (text and audio) on 25 years of AIDS
June 5, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture, "25 Years of HIV/AIDS: Science, Medicine and History," at the "25 Years of AIDS Research at NIH" symposium (Dr. Fauci's lecture begins at 23:45.)
May, 2006 PBS/Frontline interview with Dr. Fauci on 25 years of AIDS
May 30, 2006 Video, audio, and transcript on 25 years of AIDS
From NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS)
May 16, 2006 Voice of America audio: Dr. Fauci discusses 25 years of AIDS, the threat of pandemic, and influenza
May 10, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's presentation of the Joseph Leiter NLM/MLA Lecture, "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases: Public Health Threat and the Research Agenda," Bethesda, MD
May 3, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at National Press Foundation forum: "The First 25 Years: Advances in AIDS Science and Medicine," Washington, DC
May 2, 2006 Dr. Fauci's remarks at the dedication of NIAID's C.W. Bill Young Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases (see NIH Videocast of the Dedication Ceremony), Bethesda, MD
April, 2006 Profile of Dr. Fauci in Proto magazine article, "25 Years of AIDS." From Massachusetts General Hospital. (PDF)
April 26, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at the NIAID Vaccine Research Center's 5-Year Anniversary Scientific Symposium: "The NIAID Vaccine Research Center: 5 Years of Scientific Progress," Bethesda, MD
April 20, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture at 2006 FDA Science Forum: "Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge to Global Health," Washington, DC
April 11, 2006 Bird Flu: Things to Know, Not Fear (PDF)
Q&A with USA Today Editors and Reporters
March 10, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's lecture, "Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge to Global Health," at Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Capitol Hill Briefing, Washington, DC
March 9, 2006 New Warnings About Bird Flu from WHO (MP3)
March 7, 2006 Avian Flu Update
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
March 3, 2006 Webcast and Transcript: Tracking the Bird Flu
From NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS)
Feb. 28, 2006 Dr. Fauci Speaks at Forum on Business and Influenza Pandemic Preparedness, Convened by Fleishman-Hillard and Trust for America's Health (TFAH)
Feb. 15, 2006 Slides from Dr. Fauci's Keynote Address at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Biodefense Meeting in Washington, D.C: "Biodefense and Pandemic Influenza: The Research and Public Health Interface." (PDF)
Feb. 15, 2006 Shaking Hands and the Spread of Germs (MP3)
Jan. 24, 2006 Webcast of Dr. Fauci's plenary lecture, "Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases: NIH Priorities," at the Symposium on Human Health and Animal Disease: An Epidemiologic Collision, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI
Dec. 11, 2005 Slides from Dr. Fauci's Opening Plenary Lecture at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Washington, D.C.: "International Health and Tropical Infectious Diseases Research: An NIAID Perspective."
Nov. 23, 2005 Influenza Update: Dr. Fauci Discusses Issues Related to Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
Oct. 21, 2005 Audio and Transcript: Dr. Fauci Answers Questions on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
From NPR's All Things Considered
Oct. 4, 2005 How Alarmed Should You Be About Bird Flu?
Sept. 28, 2005 HHS Secretary Michael O. Leavitt and Dr. Fauci Discuss Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
Sept. 22, 2005 Webcast: Dr. Fauci's remarks at NIH History Day 2005: AIDS in the 1980s (remarks begin at 8:52)
Sept. 20, 2005 Video and Transcript: Dr. Fauci discusses H5N1 Avian Influenza with Bill Moyers From PBS
Sept. 6, 2005 Slides from Dr. Fauci's lecture at AIDS Vaccine 2005 meeting in Montreal: "AIDS Vaccine Research: A Perspective from the U.S. National Institutes of Health"
July 27, 2005 Dr. Fauci Discusses the Threat of Pandemic Influenza and Ongoing Research and Preparedness Activities
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
July 25, 2005 Essay: A Goal of Service to Humankind
From "This I Believe" (NPR)
May 27, 2005 Dr. Fauci Discusses Avian Influenza Threat and Preparedness Efforts
May 26, 2005 Webcast and Transcript: Dr. Fauci Discusses Avian Influenza Threat and Preparedness Efforts
From NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (PBS)
April 21, 2005 Dr. Fauci Discusses Marburg Virus Outbreak in Angola with
April 4, 2005 Slides from Dr. Fauci's lecture at the John R. La Montagne Symposium on Pandemic Influenza Research: "The Role of NIH Research in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness"
April 12, 2005 Dr. Fauci Pays Tribute to Noted Vaccinologist Maurice R. Hilleman, 1919-2005
March 25, 2005 Infectious Diseases Still Major Public Health Threat, Fauci Says
From The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Feb. 28, 2005 Dr. Fauci Discusses the Threat of Avian Influenza and Ongoing Research and Preparedness Activities
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
Feb. 25, 2005 Bird Flu Update
From NPR's Talk of the Nation Science
Feb. 23, 2005 Webcast: Dr. Fauci's lecture "The Global Challenge of Infectious Diseases: The Evolving Role of the NIH in Basic and Clinical Research," presented at the 12th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Feb. 21, 2005 Videocast and Transcript of Dr. Fauci's Presentation "AIDS Vaccine Research and Development: The Way Forward" at AAAS Symposium on Globalization and AIDS Vaccine Development
Dec. 1, 2004 Videocast and Transcript of Dr. Fauci's Presentation at Symposium for World AIDS Day 2004
Nov., 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses AIDS-Related Issues with CBS Cares
Nov. 15, 2004 Dr. Fauci Leads NIAID Media Roundtable On Influenza Research Video | Slides
Nov. 8, 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses Project Bioshield
From NPR's The Kojo Nnamdi Show
Oct. 12, 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses Influenza Vaccine Issues
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
Oct. 11, 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses Influenza Vaccine Issues
From C-Span's Washington Journal
Oct. 8, 2004 Webcast and Transcript: Dr. Fauci Discusses Influenza Vaccine Supply Issues
From PBS's Newshour
July 15, 2004 Videocast and transcript of Dr. Fauci's lecture at the 15th International AIDS Conference: "Pathogenic Mechanisms of HIV Disease: The Role of Viral Replication and Immune Activation," Bangkok, Thailand

Slides accompanying Dr. Fauci's lecture (PDF)

News backgrounder on Dr. Fauci's lecture

June 21, 2004 Dr. Fauci Interviewed by Regarding the XV International AIDS Conference (Bangkok, Thailand, July 11–16, 2004)
June 10, 2004 Dr. Fauci discusses the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise and other U.S. government AIDS initiatives at the 2004 G8 Summit
May 19, 2004 Dr. Fauci discusses biodefense and emerging diseases in online forum "Ask the White House"
March 31, 2004 Dr. Fauci and Dr. Joseph O'Neill (U.S. Office of The Global AIDS Coordinator) Discuss Global AIDS and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show
March 12, 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses a New Smallpox Vaccine—Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA)
From NPR's Talk of the Nation Science
Feb. 5, 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses Biodefense Research and Progress with Newsweek
Feb. 2, 2004 Dr. Fauci Discusses Avian Influenza, AIDS, and Other Emerging/Re-Emerging Diseases
From NPR's The Diane Rehm Show

Archive of Lectures and Media Appearances Before 2004

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Photo of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
NIAID Director


NIAID Leaders Outline Research Agenda for Universal, Voluntary HIV Testing and Treatment
June 9, 2009

Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., on National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
May 18, 2009

Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
May 15, 2009

Joint Statement on Food Allergy Awareness Week
May 11, 2009

Joint Statement on World Asthma Day
May 5, 2009

See Also

Recent Testimony to Congress

Photo of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
NIAID Director


NIAID Leaders Outline Research Agenda for Universal, Voluntary HIV Testing and Treatment
June 9, 2009

Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., on National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
May 18, 2009

Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
May 15, 2009

Joint Statement on Food Allergy Awareness Week
May 11, 2009

Joint Statement on World Asthma Day
May 5, 2009

See Also

Recent Testimony to Congress