United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus -- Search Results Displays - Titles

Question: When I do a search in LocatorPlus, how are the search results displayed and sorted?

Simple Searches:

Search Type Fields Displayed Primary Sort Secondary Sort
Keyword Anywhere Full Title, Author, Dates Relevance  
Title Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Journal Title/Title Abbreviation Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
PubMed Title Abbreviation Journal Title/Title Abbreviation, Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
Subject Subject, Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Author Author, Title, Dates Title Author
Name as Subject Subject, Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Call Number Call Number, Full Title, Author, Dates Call Number Title
Keyword Combination Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Keyword (automatic AND); Keyword (automatic OR) Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Keyword Relevance (automatic AND) Full Title, Author, Dates Relevance  
Name Keyword (automatic AND); Name Keyword (automatic OR) Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Subject Keyword (automatic AND); Subject Keyword (automatic OR) Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Title Keyword (automatic AND); Title Keyword (automatic OR) Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Name Heading Keyword Titles, Heading, Heading Type Heading  
Name/Title Heading Keyword Titles, Heading, Heading Type Heading  
Series Heading Keyword Titles, Heading, Heading Type Heading  
Subject Heading Keyword Titles, Heading, Heading Type Heading  

Advanced Menu Searches:

Search Type Fields Displayed Primary Sort Secondary Sort
Abstract/Index Tags Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Author
Author Name Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Collab. Flag Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Conference Name Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Corporate Name Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Country USMARC Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Geographic Name Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Govt. Documents Number Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Holdings Keyword Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Indexing Status Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Author
ISBN [no hypens/spaces] Full Title, Dates Title Author
ISSN[xxxx-xxxx] Full Title, Dates Title Author
Journal Title Code Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
Keyword Anywhere Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Language Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Language of Abstract Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
LJI Subject Headings Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
MeSH Subjects Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Name as Subject Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
NLM Classification Number Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Permanence Status Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Personal Name Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Projected Publication Date Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
PSTAT Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Publication Type Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Publisher: Date Full Title, Author, Publisher Title Author
Publisher: Name Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Publisher: Place Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Record Number Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Series Series, Dates, Full Title Title Date Published (Descending)
SR Tags Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
Subject Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Table of Contents/Summary Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Title Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
Title Abbreviation Full Title, Dates, ISSN Title Date Published (Descending)
Uniform Title Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author
URL Full Title, Author, Dates Title Author

Related Questions:
LocatorPlus Questions

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Last reviewed: 01 May 2009
Last updated: 27 February 2008
First published: 01 January 1998
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed