NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

News and Media


Links to current and archived news about the NERSC Center, including the bi-monthly NERSC Newsletter that highlights various NERSC projects and activities.


Presentations given by NERSC staff.

Annual Reports

Publications describing changes at the NERSC Center and highlighting activities of NERSC staff and users during the year.


News from NERSC and Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences.

Image Gallery

Pictures of NERSC's computational and storage systems, and images of the scientific discoveries they make possible.


As the premiere computational science facility for the DOE Office of Science, NERSC has played a major role in a wide range of discoveries, from predicting the properties of experimental nanostructures to confirming the accelerating expansion of the Universe.

Computing Milestones

As the first unclassified supercomputer center and the model for those that followed, NERSC has played a key role in the history of scientific computing.

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