The Center for Legislative Archives

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Interns' Experiences
at the Center for Legislative Archives

The Center for Legislative Archives has hosted over seventy-five interns over the course of the last ten years. Each intern has left the Archives with a unique experience.

"I will leave my internship with a renewed passion for history and an appreciation for those who have dedicated their careers to bringing history into the lives of others." ~Katharine

University of California Los Angeles
Major: History
Future plans: Graduate School in American History

"The quarter that I spent working for the Center for Legislative Archives (CLA) in Washington, DC gave me the opportunity to explore a part of the world I otherwise may never have discovered. Not only was I able to experience this dynamic city, but I learned to appreciate the National Archives as the place where the documents that have shaped our country come alive. I saw first hand how the staff makes documents accessible and available to the public in so many forms. Specifically, I assisted in researching for an upcoming exhibit of Clifford Berryman's political cartoons. Learning different techniques and mediums of research has provided me with experience that will be useful in any line of work that I choose. Furthermore, seeing first hand how an exhibit is created opened my eyes to new ways of turning my love for history into a career."

"From both an academic and personal standpoint, I could not have asked for a better experience." ~Joaquin

Stanford University, Class of 2007
Majors: Political Science and Psychology
Future plans: Law school and a career in public service

"My experience at the National Archives and Records Administration emboldened my desire to pursue a career in public service. As an intern at the Center for Legislative Archives, I worked alongside friendly, hardworking interns and staff who shared my academic passions for politics, history, and government while gaining valuable research experience at the National Archives and the Library of Congress. More importantly, I was given substantive writing assignments that provided background for the Center for Legislative Archive's upcoming educational publication. The congenial yet professional work environment coupled with opportunities to sharpen my research and writing abilities provided me with the requisite skills that I will need to pursue a career in government and law."

"As a history major, I loved working with people who not only shared my enthusiasm for American history but had made a career out of it!" ~Amelia

University of Notre Dame, Class of 2007
Majors: History and Latin
Future plans: Graduate school in law, education, or American history

"The summer I spent working at the Center for Legislative Archives (CLA) provided me with a wide array of exciting opportunities for historical research and writing as well as the unforgettable experience of living and working in the Washington, DC area. Working in a small office gave me the chance to really get to know the full-time staff and the two other CLA interns. At the same time, I enjoyed the chance to work outside the office, namely at the Library of Congress, where I spent two weeks engaged in research for CLA's upcoming publication, Congress and the Shaping of American History. Unlike many internships which tend to focus on training college students for a specific vocation, my experience as an intern at CLA gave me a broad experience in research and writing that will serve me regardless of the career I eventually choose."

"Interning at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives and Records Administration was truly an eye-opening experience." ~Luis-Alejandro

Dartmouth College, Class of 2007
Major: History
Future plans: Ph.D. in History

"I was greeted on my first day with the imposing structure of Archives I, which is located on Pennsylvania Avenue in the heart of Washington, DC. My experience as an intern exposed me to the excitement of working intensively with both primary and secondary source material. The assignments given to me involved producing memos on laws and events during the impeachment process while also producing an interpretative and exhaustive summary of the House Debates related to Andrew Johnson's impeachment. As an intern, I was also able to attend the annual Organization of American Historians Conference and a U.S. Capitol Historical Society Symposium. In addition to learning more about historical research and gaining professional experience, I had the opportunity to hone my writing skills. The staff was supportive, encouraging, and readily available to provide suggestions or answer questions. I strongly recommend interning at the Center for Legislative Archives - it will give you a better understanding of research, writing, and the history of the United States."

"The cooperative nature of the Center encouraged me to become involved in Archival Studies and Librarianship, which led me to my current career as a librarian in the Rare Book, Manuscripts, and Special Collections Library at Duke University." ~Zach

The Ohio State University, Class of 2002
John Glenn Institute-Washington Academic Internship Programme
Majors: English, Criminology

"My colleagues at National Archives and Records Administration provided an excellent venue to hone both my researching and writing skills. As a Center for Legislative Archives intern, I was given a unique opportunity to work alongside professional historians, doing valuable writing, researching, and background work on an educational publication. The flexibility of the internship allowed me to explore all departments within the National Archives, from the public services, to educational services, to the processing and cataloging that goes on 'behind the scenes.' The staff of the Center for Legislative Archives promoted learning, interdisciplinarity, and a reverence for archival materials, and they encouraged me to pursue my own research interests and angles in my writing. The Center shared my passion for utilizing primary documents to make policy and government more relevant to today's students."

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272