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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 5 - Environmental Protection & Enhancement
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Goal 5 - Environmental Protection & Enhancement

Protect and enhance Albuquerque's natural environments - its mountains, river, bosque, volcanoes, arroyos, air and water. 


DESIRED COMMUNITY CONDITION Local Trend National/ Regional Comparison Citizen Perception CONCLUSION: Opportunity to
30 - Safe air, land, & water - Air, land, and water systems are protected from conditions that are harmful to people and the environment. Positive Similar Matches Celebrate
31 - Sustainable water supply - Water resources are sustainably managed, conserved and protected to provide a long-term supply and drought reserve. Mixed Similar Matches Continue to Improve
32 - Integrated waste management - Solid wastes are produced no faster than natural systems and technology can process them. Negative Similar Differs Improve
33 - Preserved open space - Open Space, Bosque, the River, and Mountains are preserved and protected. Stable Better Matches Celebrate
34 - Active citizen conservation - Residents participate in caring for the environment and conserving natural resources. Mixed Mixed Matches

Continue to Improve

35 - Eco-sensitive residents - Residents are well informed about and appreciate ecological diversity. Positive Better Differs Continue to Improve



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