Winans of XSD Elected to ACS Fellowship

JULY 8, 2009

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Randy Winans

Randall E. Winans, Chemical and Materials Science Group Leader in the Argonne X-ray Science Division of the Advanced Photon Source (APS), has been elected to the inaugural 2009 class of Fellows of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

The ACS Fellows Program was created by the Board of Directors in December 2008 “to recognize members of the American Chemical Society for outstanding achievements in and contributions to Science, the Profession, and the Society.” Ultimately, the body of Fellows is intended to reach approximately 1-2% of ACS membership.

Winans and the other 2009 ACS Fellows will be honored at a special ceremony during the ACS National Meeting in Washington, D.C., on Monday, August 17, 2009. 

Randy Winans received his Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry from Cornell University in 1975, whereupon he took a postdoctoral appointment at Argonne, where he’s served as an Assistant Chemist, Chemist, and Chemistry Group Leader, achieving the rank of Senior Chemist. From 2001 to 2006 he was the Director of the Basic Energy Sciences Synchrotron Radiation Center at sectors 11 and 12 of the APS. In 2005 he became Group Leader of the Chemistry, Environmental and Polymer Group in the X-ray Operations and Research section of the X-ray Science Division. He was named Group leader of the newly formed Chemical and Materials Science Group in 2009.

Winans is co-author on numerous refereed publications. He was the recipient of the ACS Storch Award in Fuel Science, and served as Chair of the ACS Fuel Chemistry Division and as a member of the ACS Committee on Science, among numerous other appointments and honors.