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APS Renewal White Paper

APS Renewal White Paper

November 21, 2008

The white paper prepared for the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences by the management and users of the Advanced Photon Source to set the foundation for renewal of this vital national research facility is now available in PDF format.
Winner of AAAS Science Education Prize Visits Argonne

Winner of AAAS Science Education Prize Visits Argonne

October 23, 2008

Diane Riendeau, winner of the 2008 American Association for the Advancement of Science Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers, paid a visit to Argonne National Laboratory.
SESAME and the APS: Opening Doors Helps the Light Shine In

SESAME and the APS: Opening Doors Helps the Light Shine In

September 16, 2008

As Guvenc Akgul goes about learning the finer points of x-ray spectroscopy from his colleagues at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Photon Source, he represents a bridge between countries that, while separated by culture, distance, or regional factionalism, can find common ground in science at synchrotron x-ray research facilities.
Taking the FaST Track to Synchrotron X-ray Science

Taking the FaST Track to Synchrotron X-ray Science

July 30, 2008

From the time of Roentgen’s first experiments with x-rays in 1895, this invisible light has afforded an opportunity to visualize the unseen. Now, three undergraduate students and their mentor, who are spending their summer doing research at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source as part of the Faculty and Student Teams Program, are seeing science in a whole new light.
A Vote of Thanks!

A Vote of Thanks!

July 7, 2008

Supplemental funding from U.S. Congress protects APS jobs and allows return to normal operating hours: Run 2008-02 extended by five days, Run 2008-03 returned to normal hours. Thanks to very effective advocacy by Advanced Photon Source (APS) users, and the support of the U.S. Congress, the APS has received an injection of funds that will enable the facility to function normally, at least until it receives a 2009 federal budget, expected next spring.
Racking Up the LCLS Undulator Controls

Racking Up the LCLS Undulator Controls

June 19, 2008

Thirty-three undulator control racks are the latest Linac Coherent Light Source components to be shipped from Argonne, capping a four-year design, development, and production effort.
Looking into the Solar Wind

Looking into the Solar Wind

June 16, 2008

What could have been a shattering let-down for NASA’s Genesis Discovery Mission has become an opportunity for synchrotron light source science to shine.
Board of Governors Awards

Board of Governors Awards

June 3, 2008

The UChicago Argonne, LLC Board of Governors for Argonne will honor two Advanced Photon Source staff members, a member of the Scientific User Facilities Directorate, and the son of another APS staffer with awards at its 2008 Awards Program on Tuesday, June 24, 2008.
Tim Fister Earns Henderson Prize from University of Washington

Tim Fister Earns Henderson Prize from University of Washington

May 28, 2008

Tim Fister, currently a postdoc in the Argonne Materials Science Division and designer of the LERIX detector at APS Sector 20, was awarded the Henderson Prize by the University of Washington Physics Department for the outstanding Ph.D. thesis from his graduating year.
Challenge Met as APS Sends Final Chambers to LCLS

Challenge Met as APS Sends Final Chambers to LCLS

May 21, 2008

APS scientists and engineers have successfully completed a critical task in support of the free-electron laser light source at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
A Marriage of Hardware and Hard Work

A Marriage of Hardware and Hard Work

May 5, 2008

The first of 33 Linac Coherent Light Source undulator support girder assemblies [designed at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source] has been readied for final alignment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
Shaken but Not Stirred

Shaken but Not Stirred

April 28, 2008

The earthquake that occurred in Illinois’ Wabash Valley fault system on Friday, April 18, could have caused a fault of different kind — a system fault that could have interrupted delivery of high-brightness x-ray beams to researchers using the Argonne Advanced Photon Source (APS). But thanks to the sophisticated technology in use at the APS — much of it developed at Argonne — experimenters who were taking data at the APS when the earthquake occurred at 4:36 a.m. (DST) were able to continue their research uninterrupted.
2008 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award

2008 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award

April 24, 2008

The Advanced Photon Source Users Organization has named Oleg G. Shpyrko, of the University of California, San Diego, as the recipient of the 2008 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award, which recognizes an important technical or scientific accomplishment by a young investigator that depended on, or is beneficial to, the APS. Shpyrko will receive the award on May 5 at the 2008 Users Week at Argonne National Laboratory, where he will also present his work.
The 2008 3-Way Meeting

The 2008 3-Way Meeting

March 25, 2008

The 2008 Three-Way Meeting between the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, the Super Photon Ring-8 GeV, and the Advanced Photon Source was held at Argonne on March 18-19, 2008.
A New Gas Loading System for Diamond Anvil Cells at GSECARS

A New Gas Loading System for Diamond Anvil Cells at GSECARS

March 11, 2008

A gas-loading system for diamond-anvil cells, designed and built by GSECARS, is now available at the APS.
Sidorowicz Named “Supervisor of the Year”

Sidorowicz Named “Supervisor of the Year”

February 25, 2008

Ken Sidorowicz, Information Technology Group Leader in the APS Engineering Support Division, was named the Scientific User Facilities 2007 Supervisor of the Year.
SESS 2007: The School for Environmental Sciences with Synchrotrons

SESS 2007: The School for Environmental Sciences with Synchrotrons

February 19, 2008

A School for Environmental Sciences with Synchrotrons was held at the APS to encourage the next generation of environmental scientists to begin their own research projects at the APS and other synchrotron facilities.
A Breakthrough in Interface Science

A Breakthrough in Interface Science

January 9, 2008

The intricate dance of electrons at the interface between ferromagnetic and superconducting oxides that was studied with unprecedented clarity by researchers using an Advanced Photon Source beamline, has been selected as one of the breakthroughs of the year for 2007 by Science magazine.
Art and Science

Art and Science

January 9, 2008

Cutting-edge science that could help shape our energy future, combined with the graphic arts, has resulted in a winning scientific illustration based on experimentation carried out at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source.