Alternative Futures for the Department of Energy National Laboratories

Prepared by the Secretary Of Energy Advisory Board

Task Force on Alternative Futures for the Department of Energy National Laboratories

February 1995

Figure 1. Department of Energy National Laboratories Under Consideration by the Task Force

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Task Force on Alternative Futures for the DOE National Laboratories

Robert Galvin (Chairman) Chairman of the Executive Committee
Motorola Inc.

Braden Allenby
Research Vice President, Technology and Environment

Bob Boylan
Successful Presentations
A Division of Boylan Enterprises, Inc.

Linda Capuano
Vice President, Operations and Business Development
Conductus, Inc.

Ruth Davis
President and Chief Executive Officer
Pymatuning Group

Marye Anne Fox
Vice President for Research
Waggoner Regents Chair
Department of Chemistry
University of Texas

Benjamin Huberman
Huberman Consulting Group

Shirley Jackson
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Rutgers University

Lynn Jelinski
Director, Center for Advanced Technology (Biotechnology)
Cornell University

Henry Kendall
Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chairman, Union of Concerned Scientists

Daniel Kerlinsky
President, New Mexico Physicians for Social Responsibility
Children's Psychiatrist
University of New Mexico

Richard Lester
Director, MIT Industrial Performance Center
Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Roger Little
President and Chief Executive Officer
Spire Corporation

Edith Martin
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Sallie Mae

James P. McCarthy
General, USAF (Ret)
Olin Professor of National Security
US Air Force Academy

Mark Murphy
Strata Production Company

Richard Nelson
George Blumenthal Professor of International and Public Affairs, Business, and Law
Columbia University

Edward Roberts
David Sarnoff Professor of Management
Faculty Chair, Management of Technology Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Benjamin M. Rosen
Chairman of the Board, Compaq Computer
Sevin Rosen Management

Harvey M. Sapolsky
Director, MIT Defense & Arms Control Studies Program
Professor of Public Policy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

William Spencer
President and Chief Executive Officer

Victoria Tschinkel
Senior Consultant
Landers & Parsons

Herbert York
Director Emeritus of the Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation
University of California

Task Force Staff

Peter F. Didisheim
Executive Director
Secretary of Energy Advisory Board
U.S. Department of Energy

Michele M. Donovan
Task Force Director
U.S. Department of Energy

Table of Contents

  1. I.Overview
    1. A.Introduction
    2. B.Missions of the National Laboratories
      1. 1.National Security
      2. 2.Energy
      3. 3.Environmental Science and Technology
      4. 4.Fundamental Science
      5. 5.Industrial Technologies
    3. C.Laboratory Governance
    4. D.Configuration of the Laboratories
  2. II.The National Security Role
    1. A.Introduction and Background
      1. 1.The Changing Environment
      2. 2.National Security Requirements
      3. 3.Specific Weapons Requirements
    2. B.Main Findings and Recommendations
      1. 1.Mission
      2. 2.Attracting and Retaining Scientists, Engineers, and Managers
      3. 3.Configuration of the Nuclear Weapons Laboratories
      4. 4.Peer Review
      5. 5.Contributions to Basic Science
      6. 6.Major Research Facilities
      7. 7.Non-Nuclear Research Requirements
      8. 8.Nuclear Weapons Production Capacity
      9. 9.Tritium Supply
      10. 10.Management of the Nuclear Weapons Laboratories by DOD
    3. C.Summary of Recommendations
  3. III.The Energy, Environment, and Related Sciences and Engineering Role
    1. A.Main Findings
      1. 1.The Energy Mission of the Laboratories
      2. 2.The Environmental Mission of the Laboratories
      3. 3.General Observations About Laboratory Missions
    2. B.Recommendations
  4. IV.The Environmental Cleanup Role
    1. A.Introduction
    2. B.Background
    3. C.Main Findings
      1. 1.Technical Challenges
      2. 2.Program Assessment
    4. D.Disconnects
      1. 1.Science/Engineering - Applications
      2. 2.Regulatory - Oversight - Compliance: Management Disconnects
      3. 3.Goals - Objectives - Means: Stakeholders Interests
    5. E.The Future
      1. 1.Within DOE
      2. 2.The National Laboratories
      3. 3.The Nation
    6. F.Concluding Remarks
    7. G.Recommendations
  5. V.The Science-Engineering Role
    1. A.Main Findings
    2. B.Recommendations
  6. VI.The Economic Role
    1. A.Main Findings
      1. 1.The Case For Industrially-Relevant R&D At The Laboratories
      2. 2.A Critical Distinction
      3. 3.Expansion Outside DOE Mission Areas
      4. 4.Technology Partnership Mechanisms
      5. 5.Metrics
    2. B.Recommendations
  7. VII.The Governance and Organization Issue
    1. A.Introduction
    2. B.The Need to De-Federalize
    3. C.Other Subjects
      1. 1.Financial Resource Planning
      2. 2.The Laboratories As a System
      3. 3.Technology Roadmaps19
      4. 4.The Globality Issue (vis-a-vis non-Defense technology)
      5. 5.Metrics
      6. 6.Quality
      7. 7.Facilities
    4. D.Recommendation
  8. VIII.Summary of Recommendations
    1. A.National Security
    2. B.Energy, Environment, and Related Sciences and Engineering Role
    3. C.Cleanup of Radioactive and Chemical Wastes
    4. D.Science-Engineering
    5. E.Economic
    6. F.Governance
  9. Appendices

White Papers Prepared by the Department of Energy for the Galvin Report

This is the second volume of the Galvin Report with its own table of contents.

Search Both Volumes of the Galvin Report