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Location: Bldg. 76-222
Hours: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Phone: (510) 486-5475
Fax: (510) 486-5118

plymouth-neon1.gif (10093 bytes) The Facilities Division currently maintains a fleet of over 260 vehicles utilized both on and off site. Vehicles are provided, replaced and maintained by the U.S. General Service Administration (GSA). The LBNL Fleet office and the LBNL fuel dispensing station are located downstairs at Building 76, ext. 5475.

Vehicle Reservations

Pool vehicles are available for single-day or extended use. Single-day use requires a valid project ID. Overnight use requires, in addition, supervisor/manager approval.

The current cost for the use of a Fleet pool vehicle is:

  • $30.00 per day plus
  • 51 cents per mile.

You are asked to submit your vehicle requests 24 hours in advance when possible.

Note 1: Voyager cards are available for off site gasoline, emergency tire, and mechanical purchases. With the exception of the gasoline all other purchases must be approved through GSA at 1 866 400 0411.

Note 2: Van seats may be removed and stored in your area. Please reinstall the seats before returning the van.

Note 3: Remember that smoking is prohibited in all government vehicles.

View Vehicle List

To make your reservation, please contact Fleet Operations or click the appropriate button to use our online form.
  • I just need a vehicle for a single day.
Go to form
  • I will be keeping the vehicle overnight (requires supervisor/manager approval).
Go to form

GSA fleet vehicles may be assigned by Fleet Operations on a monthly basis to divisions requiring daily use. The monthly base rate and mileage charge is based on the type of vehicle assigned to the division; i.e., passenger van, truck, or sedan. Each division is responsible for tracking and entering the number of trips per day in the MAXIMO system.  Divisions are also responsible for maintaining trip logs files for three years.

Each month vehicle usage by the divisions is reviewed in order to justify to GSA that continued, daily usage is required. Division assigned vehicles that accumulate minimal miles are encouraged to return their vehicles to Fleet Services. A pool vehicle will be available to your division at a more cost effective rate.

In the event of an accident involving an LBNL vehicle, a Vehicle Accident Report must be immediately submitted to Fleet Operations. Accidents involving personal vehicles must be settled through each parties own insurance provider.


Employee Email Extension Bldg. Rm.
Leslie Striplin 5475 76 222

Questions or comments? Send mail to the Work Request Center.

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy

Operations Division Office of Science University of California

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