Board of Governors Awards

JUNE 3, 2008

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The UChicago Argonne, LLC Board of Governors for Argonne will honor 10 employees and one child of an employee with awards at its 2008 Awards Program on Tuesday, June 24, 2008. Included in that number are two Advanced Photon Source (APS) staff members, a member of the Scientific User Facilities Directorate, and the son of another APS staffer.

Outstanding Service Awards (OSAs), the highest honor the university gives to Argonne employees in support positions, will be awarded to Joseph L. Midlock, computer scientist, APS Engineering Support Division; and Susan Barr Strasser, manager, User Programs, X-Ray Science Division.

Each OSA winner will be presented with an award and a check for $3,500.

The Pinnacle of Education Award, which recognizes employees for their leadership in science through the Division of Educational Programs, will be shared this year by Dennis M. Mills, deputy director, Scientific User Facilities. Mills will be presented with an award and a check for $1,750.

Finally, The University of Chicago will award an undergraduate scholarship to Yi Ren, son of Yang Ren, physicist in the APS X-Ray Science Division.