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Atmosphere The thin blanket of atmosphere that surrounds the Earth contains all of the essential ingredients needed to sustain life on our planet—air, water, nutrients, and heat. The atmosphere's interactions with the Earth's lands, oceans, and life bring about climate and environmental changes that can be viewed and measured by satellites. Will the current global warming trend continue? If so, what role do clouds and aerosols play?

·Global Warming
·Watching our Ozone Weather
·Chemistry in the Sunlight
·Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) Fact Sheet
·Human Spaceflight Factsheet
·Overview of the Earth Science Enterprise
·The Ozone We Breathe
·Global Warming Fact Sheet
·Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III
·Weather Forecasting Through the Ages
·Research Satellites for Atmospheric Science, 1978
·On the Shoulder of Giants
·The Carbon Cycle
·Ultraviolet Radiation
·Biomass Burning
·Vilhelm Bjerknes
·The Water Cycle
·Changing Global Cloudiness
·What Are Aerosols? Fact Sheet
·Clouds & Radiation Fact Sheet
·American Carbon
·Cities at Night
·Greenland's Ice Island Alarm
·Science Blog
·Global Warming Questions and Answers
·The Amazon's Seasonal Secret
·Arctic Reflection
·Tracking Nature's Contribution to Pollution
·Cloudy with a Chance of Drizzle
·Nimbus' 40th Anniversary
·Terra Turns Five
·Enhancing Research and Education through Partnerships
·A New IDEA in Air Quality Monitoring
·Clouds are Cooler than Smoke
·Will Runaway Water Warm the World?
·Tango in the Atmosphere
·Smoke's Surprising Secret
·Savanna Smog
·Little Islands, Big Wake
·Land Matters (DAAC Study)
·Searching for Atlantic Rhythms?
·A Delicate Balance
·Lightning Spies(DAAC Study)
·Measuring Ozone from Space Shuttle Columbia
·The Road to Recovery (DAAC Study)
·Tracking Clouds (DAAC Study)
·Dropping in on a Hurricane (DAAC Study)
·Teaching Old Data New Tricks (DAAC Study)
·Does the Earth Have an Iris Analog
·Arbiters of Energy
·Scientist for a Day (DAAC Study)
·Highways of a Global Traveler
·Snow Sleuths (DAAC Study)
·Hurricane Field Studies (DAAC Study)
·Clouds in the Balance (DAAC Study)
·A View From Above (DAAC Study)
·A Violent Sun Affects the Earth's Ozone
·Reverberations of the Pacific Warm Pool
·In the Eyewall of the Storm (DAAC Study)
·Astronauts Photograph Mount Pinatubo
·Watching Plants Dance to the Rhythms of the Ocean
·From the Dust Bowl to the Sahel (DAAC Study)
·When the Dust Settles (DAAC Study)
·Forecasting Fury (DAAC Study)
·Seeing into the Heart of a Hurricane
·Volcanoes and Climate Change (DAAC Study)
·Changing Our Weather One Smokestack at a Time
·Stars, Clouds, Crops (DAAC Study)
·Shadows of Doubt (DAAC Study)
·Carbon Conundrum (DAAC Study)
·Fire and Ice (DAAC Study)
·Searching for Atlantic Rhythms
·UARS Cornucopia
·On a Clear Day (DAAC Study)
·Blanket of Clouds (DAAC Study)
·Outer Limits (DAAC Study)
·Hurricane Floyd's Lasting Legacy
·Critical Chemistry (DAAC Study)
·Second Guessing Mother Nature
·Global Temperature Trends
·El Nino's Extended Family Introduction
·Data in a Flash (DAAC Study)
·Every Cloud Has a Filthy Lining
·Visions of a Cloudy Continent (DAAC Study)
·Clouds in a Clear Sky (DAAC Study)
·Reckoning with Winds (DAAC Study)
·Introduction to Climate Modeling
·Images of Asian Dust Over the Pacific Ocean
·Should We Talk About the Weather? Improving Global Forecasts with BOREAS Research
·Global Dataset Comparison Activities
·Infrared Cloud Top Temperatures
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Hurricane Ike
Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike Weakens over Cuba
Hurricane Ike Weakens over Cuba

A Stormy Atlantic
A Stormy Atlantic

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