
This Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Scientific Findings Resource Bank (IAQ-SFRB) is being developed by the Indoor Environment Department of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with funding support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provided through an interagency agreement. The IAQ-SFRB serves as a resource for public health professionals, building professionals, and others who seek scientific information about the effects of IAQ on people's health or work performance. For general introductory-level background information on IAQ, please see An Overview of IAQ.

The IAQ-SFRB provides information summarizing the state of scientific knowledge about the relationships between people's health and productivity and the IAQ conditions or associated building characteristics in which the people work or reside. When possible, these relationships are expressed in quantitative terms using graphics, charts, or equations. The summaries also include brief descriptions of the actions that may be taken to improve the pertinent aspects of IAQ, including those related to building design, construction, operation, maintenance, and occupant activities. This web site also provides links for downloading published journal articles that were developed specifically for the IAQ-SFRB project. All of the information provided in the IAQ-SFRB has undergone review by multiple experts other than the authors.

The IAQ-SFRB web site was initially posted in April 2008. The web site is updated periodically to address additional scientific topics and incorporate new information, and the last significant update was in March 2009 (list of updates).

Detailed Reviews:

Detailed and comprehensive information is provided for the following topics. The information is presented in a "drill-down" format that starts with concise summary points with web links to allow users to access more in-depth technical information, including downloadable journal articles and lists of supporting references. The goal of the IAQ SFRB web site is to provide this type of review for all topics; however, it is only available for the following topics at this time.

Brief Reviews:

A brief introductory topical summary with links to downloadable technical papers is provided for the following topic. Over time, more detailed information, including concise summary points and in-depth supporting technical information, will be provided for this and other new topics.

Health and Economic Impacts of Building Ventilation

Impacts of Indoor Environments on Human Performance and Productivity

Indoor Dampness, Biological Contaminants and Health

Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds and Health